DAILY DEVOTIONS: "Look Up" -David McGee


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"Honoring God in the Morning"

Look Up

Luke 21:28
"Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near."

Each week our world seems to brace for a new disaster. Whether it's an earthquake, hurricane or economic collapse, we experience regularly the evidence of this fallen world. To the unbeliever, these events bring uncertainty and fear. After all, if this world is all there is and it's clearly unpredictable and broken, how can they know what to do? Yet, to a follower of Christ, we look at these things from a different perspective... a biblical perspective.

Jesus told us that we would have tribulations. The Bible is very clear that because of sin, this world has been corrupted and therefore, we will experience its effects. But that is not the final word. Yes, this world is broken. Yes, we have natural disasters and horrific events like we witnessed on 9-11. Yes, these things will increase as we get closer to the end. BUT, it will end.

When we see these things happen, look up. When you witness the suffering around the world, look up. When you experience the loss of a loved one, look up. When you see people and governments turning against God, look up, because your redemption is near. In the end, Jesus will stop it all. He will make all things right and heal this broken world. Until then, we look up and proclaim to this broken and beat up world the peace they can find in Jesus. Sin caused these problems. Jesus will solve them.

Life Lesson: No matter what the future holds, we can know WHO holds the future.
Dear God, Thank You for Your grace on my life and the peace I can have through Jesus. Father, help me to trust You in every situation, no matter how hard it may be. Each time I see or experience the pain of this broken world, help me to look up and be reminded of Your return. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Living to tell what He died to say,
Pastor David McGee
