Evotional: "What Love is" -Tozer- (July 22)

Read your "God News" Today? 



(google: "Evotional Network" )

with Michael James Stone

"My Prayer is you would hear Jesus and follow Him" 




Evotional: "He will Answer" -Streams in the Desert- (July 22)

Streams in the Desert


Read your "God News" Today?

 Streams in the Desert 

with Michael James Stone

Evotional: "Set Apart" -My Utmost for his Highest- (July 22)

Evotional: "Where did the Christians Go?" -God Calling- (July 22)

with Michael James Stone  


Evotional: "By Love" -Daily Light- (July 22)

(google: "Evotional Network" )
Twitter: #Devotional #Evotional  

Read your "God News" Today? 

-Daily Light-
 with Michael James Stone

Jesus Said: "What Will You Do?" -Evotional- (July 22)

Read your "God News" Today?

Jesus Said
with Michael James Stone

