One Thousand Years: Genesage "How?" (Chapter 9:2)

One Thousand Years



(Chapter 9:2)

Thomas and Jesus were One.

Together they felt the agony of sorrows.

The man acquainted with grief was revealed in his times of sorrow. The sorrow he had  felt  when Lazarus died. It was his close friend yet no one understood his sorrow, nor his tears. In gladness he raised his friend, but in sadness he brought him away from paradise, back to the world of men.

To suffer, even as the Son of Man suffered.

Raising Him from the Dead was not a benefit to Lazarus.

The great sorrow of soul he had visited upon himself giving way to grief over weeping over Jerusalem. The light it could have been…., should have been…, He sorrowed for its days having been numbered having been seen by the Son. He had visited Sodom and Gomorrah, they had not survived. He grieved over the City of God not knowing God. The hour of his visitation had come, they knew it not.

How he cared for Mary and Martha, their mistaking his timing. His brothers and sisters when they mistook his mission. God was real. He had flesh and blood. He could be touched,  he was so alike, and yet so different, than Thomas, but real.

Oh yes very real flesh, blood, spirit, life.

Thomas began to realize “He” was created in God’s image. Realize it in ways he never thought of before. Ways beyond “a likeness”. He was designed for God.

The incredible power, the passion of his tenderness was not merely over the top it was incredible.  Thomas felt it all and shockingly so.

He had to keep reminding himself, this is God, this is God. Yes this was God,  he was awed.  To feel the splendor of His love, the depth of his compassion the length of his patience, it was more than the greatest love the world has known. 

He kept reminding himself this is a man, this is a man.  Ecce homo, He beheld the man.

The Son of Man, the Son of God.

None was likened unto Him.

None could.

He was God.

Far more than all, above all else, he was in contact with the Almighty.

Each day as he prayed at night, he communed in conversation with his Father in Heaven. 

Thomas felt what it was like to have a real Father. God the Father was the father, tender but absolute. His word, fact. More than any Father imagined to have had on Earth. He was more.

He felt the bond no earthly father ever had. It surpassed that which poets wrote of men and women in love. It had substance, physicality, spirituality, even more. Beyond what He could  comprehend He witnessed. He saw the Love. He saw God is action.

Nothing could ever touch Him like that again now that he had tasted and seen the Lord is good.

Amazing insights “The Lord God his Maker” gave Jesus songs in the night.

The shock was to hear Jesus sing.

Oh the most incredible longing he had ever felt was sung in the words the Son of God gave only to His Father. No one heard except him, it was private, yet revealed in intimacy. No one knew of this gentlest most precious of moments that Thomas now shared. The very  longing he, Jesus was consumed by, to be with God his Father.

That silenced Thomas.

It broke his heart.

Terror filled Thomas at the garden. It was amazing to Thomas but in the garden he felt the very questions all mankind had posed. Questions even he had asked.

Is there any way to avoid Hell? Is there any way to be good enough? Is there any way to be smart enough ? Can I  help enough people? What if everyone was fed? What if everyone did their best to love their neighbor?

What if…,

Thomas was amazed to know the inner thoughts the fervent prayer the Son of Man prayed asking. Any one of them might have passed from his own lips.  Beads of sweat turning then to blood consternated the brow of the battle waged in the Son of Man. 

Every intellectual, every spiritual rationale was tried; tested; found wanting for the need of a solution. No theologian could have phrased a better question, no priest a better sacrifice.

The Son of God asked in every conceivable means, by every thought of logic, every nuance of law, every detail of redemption to solve the issue.

Yet he still did not have the answer to solve the greatest dilemma Mankind faced.

How could a sinful man live with,

How could a sinful man exist with a Holy God?

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Would Jesus Vote Republican? (Hint:No)

by Todd Strandberg

Would Jesus Vote Republican?

The politics of Rome during Jesus' day was simple and to the point. Whatever Caesar said was law, that law was rubber stamped by the senate, and woe be unto anyone who expressed a different opinion. All who dissented were killed or imprisoned.

Pax Romana (Roman peace) prevailed everywhere Rome exerted its full authority. The keepers of the historical record often laud that empire for the peace that resulted from its imposing power. The historians conveniently forget that it could be a hard and bitter "peace" for those whom Rome occupied. It was "peace" enforced by the sharp, bloody edge of the Roman sword.

But, as stated, the politics were simple: Pay your taxes, do what you are told, and stay out of the way of Roman authority. By this means you could live in Caesar's version of "peace."

You could live in peace, that is, unless you came into conflict with the pious Jews who used the Law of Moses like a battering ram to get their own way, and keep themselves in sub-authority just beneath the occupying Romans. Jesus was railroaded to trial by the malicious use of just such religious politics.

Today the "art" of politics hasn't changed much in terms of the goals its humanistic wielders seek. While politics is, in theory, but a structure by which to elect leaders for government that is supposed to make society peaceful and orderly, it is more often than not a wicked instrumentality with which to bludgeon anyone and everyone who might have differing opinions.

In short, the political process is the end-justifies-the-means way to achieve power over others. And, as Lord Edward Acton quipped: "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Democracy Is a Balancing Act

One of the ironic things about tyranny is that it does not need to be maintained. Once a nation falls into totalitarianism, it's no small task to regain liberty. Brute force is the only qualification a despotic leader needs to rule over a nation. He will remain in power until death or someone with a stronger army removes him from power.

Democracy on the other hand, needs constant care. Because the beliefs and values of the press, religions, and private citizens often conflict with the policies of the governments that represent them, a system of checks and balances is needed to maintain freedom.

Because the enemies of liberty are ever on the offensive, Christians don't have the option of walking away from the political battlefield. Liberalism has already gained an advantage by taking over the schools, the media, and many denominations.

Because believers are neglecting to become involved in politics, the enemy continues to use the political process to manipulate and herd America into ungodliness. Unopposed, that tyrannical power will ultimately enslave us.

The Lord Would Certainly Not Be a Democrat

There is one thing certain we can state, based upon the integrity of Bible truth. Jesus would never endorse or be a member of any party whose platform supports abortion, gay rights, and a general hostility to Bible-believing Christians.

Another thing can be confidently stated, based upon observations of current facts about American politics. The Democrat Party would never have Jesus as a member. Much of the basis for that observation is found in the issues mentioned above.

The Democrats' leadership consistently supports abortion--or, as they term it, "the right to choose." They continue to support homosexual activists and their "gay rights" causes, a debased, debauched lifestyle that God calls abominable. Democrats defend pornography as art that comes under the heading of "free speech."

This political party comes down on the side of liberal federal judges who have ruled that God should be thrown out of the public places of America. These judges --and the Democratic Party by supporting them--declare "The Ten Commandments," "In God We Trust" on our currency, and "One nation, under God" in the "Pledge of Allegiance" dangerous to our school children and our society.

This party champions taking ever-increasing tax money from the pockets of those who work to give to those who won't work, even if they have opportunity. Thus there has been created a dependent welfare class that trillions of dollars of taxpayers' money since the implementation of "The Great Society's War  on Poverty" --instituted by a Democratic president and a mostly Democratic Congress-- has not been able to improve. Catering to a welfare class -and that means people who refuse to make a genuine effort to work, even though they are healthy--violates a basic precept of God's Word, the Bible.

"For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat" (2 Thess. 3:10).

The Democratic Party continues to be led by those who believe pacifism is the easiest pathway to world peace. They constantly do all within their power to support legislative action designed to disarm the military of the US and the American public. Again, that woolly-minded leadership violates basic biblical precepts. Jesus spoke about being vigilant and prepared to defend one's home: "Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house" (Matt. 12:29).

Jesus would never be invited to be keynote speaker at the Democratic National  Convention, that's for sure!

Jesus Would Not Be a Republican

We can say with equal certainty that Jesus would not be a card-carrying member of the Republican Party. The Grand Old Party may share many values that can be traced back to the Bible, but it is still the GOP, not the GOD party. Because the party is run by corrupt man, a perfect and Holy God would never lend His credibility to that or any other earthly organization.

The Republican Party has been branded by the Democrats to be the "party of greed." This label is not stamped without a degree of legitimacy. Man is a greedy being in his fallen state. Politicians within both major parties use the love of money to step on the backs of those they are supposed to serve. There are few innocent of power-grabbing for riches within the American political process.

When it gets down to the bare facts, the only advantage the Republican Party offers is that it is the lesser of two evils.

Even so, the Republican Party brings to the legislative table in America a much safer, more sound course of governing, in our view. The GOP, for the most part, opposes abortion, legitimizing homosexuality as equal to heterosexual relationships, and huge programs that create and perpetuate destructive, mammoth social programs (welfare in nature, based upon the definition of welfare given above). That party is, by and large, in favor of a strong national defense, national sovereignty, and keeping God's name at the heart of our national character.

That said, humanism remains at the core of the GOP's, or any party's, attempts to rule. This means that it, like its Democratic counterpart, is fatally flawed. To be specific, sin reigns supreme within its ranks because human beings, most wanting to see their star rise above all other stars, as often as not throw character and integrity aside to achieve goals--usually of a self-serving nature. Again, ends justify means in the political process.

The Duty To Vote Falls on Man

Jesus, when He walked the Earth in the flesh, didn't fall prey to Satan's attempts to bribe Him with earthly power when the devil offered Him all of the world's kingdoms.

"Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve" (Matt. 4: 8-10).

Jesus didn't correct the evil one by telling him that the kingdoms of this world were not his to offer. That is because Satan indeed is allowed for the present time to control, to a great extent, the political realm of this fallen planet.

The fact that the God of all creation would not even consider such an offer of earthly power makes it more than certain that He would not lower himself to participate in a humanistic election.

The answer to the question posed by the title of this article is, "No, Jesus would not vote Republican." He would not vote, period!

Jesus would, however, offer very pointed advice on issues to those who do participate in the election process. He would enunciate the godly principles underlying the issues upon which the voters must decide. As a matter of fact, He did just that.

Jesus is the Living Word of God (John 1: 1). God's love letter to mankind is given through His blessed Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible gives us God's precise rules for conducting all areas of our life--including our participation in the political process.

Human beings must, in the final analysis, vote upon the issues of life that will determine how we will be served by human government. Departure from wise, godly principles delineated in the Bible invites the sort of confused and debased culture in which we are mired today. Such foolish decision-making ultimately brings foolish, even debased, perverted leadership, and even devilish tyranny.

Majority Rules and That Includes Christians

The liberal media today demonstrably hate the idea of Christians becoming actively involved in the political process. Bible-believing ministers are usually portrayed as hateful zealots who are narrow-minded, bigoted, and homophobic when they oppose the anti-God wrongs wrapped up in those key issues described above. To express opposition--especially organized opposition--to the "pro choice" or "gay rights" agendas is to invite hate-filled fire from media, whether from news organizations or from Hollywood and entertainment in general.

The humanists seem to think that Christianity is so naturally offensive it needs to be excluded from areas of public life.

Homosexuals make up less than 5 percent of the population. Yet they are immensely effective in their efforts to impose their minority view on the rest of us. Although they are much greater in number, the same goes for those who push the right to abort babies--most all such killings done for the sake of convenience. The news media and entertainment industries consistently and loudly beat the drums of support for these anti-God practices.

Even within a republican form of democratic government, such as America's, majority input is supposed to serve as society's guiding principles. With 90 million claiming to be evangelical believers, those Christians have a constitutional right and a moral responsibility to demand that Christian values be reflected in American society.

Tragically, rather than exerting stronger influence on culture, evangelical Christianity seems to be losing the battle in producing godly results within the American political process. This is due primarily to many federal judges of this nation being allowed to legislate from the benches of the courts they have given over to the humanists.

Thankfully, one day, when Christ reigns and rules on earth, the humanistic form of governance will be a long-past memory.

Vote Republican and Vote Often

When it comes to Christians determining whom will get their vote, many base their decision on the candidate who offers them the greater financial reward. It doesn't matter if a Democrat has a poor record on moral issues. Many believers apparently think nothing of putting their pocket book ahead of their faith.

All disciples of Christ need to realize that some political issues should take priority over all other concerns. If a white supremacist group formed a national political party, it would be foolhardy for people to support that party based upon the fact they like the white supremacists' health care platform.

It was this type of narrow-minded thinking that got Adolf Hitler elected to office. Most citizens of Germany knew full well that the Nazis were brutalizing the Jews, but those citizens were mesmerized by utopian propaganda Hitler and his henchman were preaching.

Because we all will have to give an account of our lives, it is very important to realize the choices we make in the privacy of a voting booth will someday need to be defended before the open throne of God.

All end-time minded Christians should know that at some point freedom and liberty will be surrendered to a global government.

The Bible tells us the God of this world is the devil. The influence of Satan is the reason 90 percent of the press and Hollywood elite are liberals who vote exclusively for the Democratic Party. The one-minded eagerness of the left to influence the electoral process should act as a warning sign to the conservative base of this nation.

You can be a perfectionist and find a hundred things wrong with the Republicans. It is serious error to try compare a floundering friend to a deadly enemy.

Human government never will be able to solve the world's problems. There never will be true peace until the Prince of Peace establishes His Millennial Kingdom. That understood, until the Lord Jesus comes for His Church in the rapture -- presuming both major political parties in America continue to hold to their present party lines -- it is the view of Rapture Ready that Republican values are America's best political option.

Devotions with Emotion

Michael James Stone

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OTY: The Revelation (10) - Jack Kelley

OTY: The Revelation (10) - Jack Kelley

Revelation 9

The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss. (Rev. 9:1-2) This star had fallen some time previous to the 5th angel's trumpet, and by using a personal pronoun, John identifies him as a living being. In Luke 10:18 Jesus said that He had seen Satan fall like lightning from Heaven, so it can be assumed that the star is Satan and he's been told to open the shaft of the Abyss to release a swarm of "locusts."

And out of the smoke locusts came down upon the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth. They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. They were not given power to kill them, but only to torture them for five months. And the agony they suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpion when it strikes a man. During those days men will seek death, but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them.

The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. On their heads they wore something like crowns of gold, and their faces resembled human faces. Their hair was like women's hair, and their teeth were like lions' teeth. They had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle. They had tails and stings like scorpions, and in their tails they had power to torment people for five months. They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon. (Rev 9:3-11) They're unlike any locusts ever seen on Earth before. Normal locusts are vegetarian, but these are prevented from eating the grass, plants, or trees. Instead they attack people, but only unbelievers, and when they do they sting them like a scorpion would, causing pain so intense that their victims will pray for death. And their leader is the angel of the Abyss, whose name means "Destroyer" in both languages. (In one of those precious little tidbits of wisdom that God's word is noted for, Proverbs 30:27 informs us that normal locusts have no king lending credence to the idea that these "locusts" are something else.)

John had certainly never seen such a thing before, and in describing them he exceeded even the limits of his imagination. You've got to appreciate the nature of his challenge here. He was a first century man called upon to describe twenty first century warfare. But he had to do it in such a way that all the generations in between could interpret it as well. Even today we can't relate these so-called locusts to anything in our world. They're clearly a demonic manifestation of some sort.

So why are they only attacking unbelievers? Good question. Certainly it's a God ordained judgment, but did Satan willingly turn these little monsters loose on his own people? Was he ordered to, or is it some diabolical scheme to further inflame the hatred of the people of Earth toward God? After all, His followers aren't suffering. Did Satan deliberately do this so he could blame God for it, advancing his strategy of turning Darkness into Light and the Lie into the Truth? A little later John will inform us that none of these torments turned the people of Earth from their rebellious ways.

The first woe is past; two other woes are yet to come.

The sixth angel sounded his trumpet, and I heard a voice coming from the horns of the golden altar that is before God. It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, "Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates." And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind. The number of the mounted troops was two hundred million. I heard their number.

The horses and riders I saw in my vision looked like this: Their breastplates were fiery red, dark blue, and yellow as sulfur. The heads of the horses resembled the heads of lions, and out of their mouths came fire, smoke and sulfur. A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur that came out of their mouths. The power of the horses was in their mouths and in their tails; for their tails were like snakes, having heads with which they inflict injury. (Rev. 8:12-19) Traditionally, the Euphrates River has been the territorial, cultural and religious boundary between East and West. Rarely have customs, traditions or philosophies crossed from either direction. As a result the Eastern world is far different in almost every respect from its Western counterpart. This passage helps to explain why that's so. There's been a boundary in the spiritual world as well. But with this command from the very throne of God the boundary comes down and the effect is deadly beyond comparison.

The combatants released by the lowering of this barrier wind up killing 1/3 of the remaining population of Earth. Remember 1/4 of mankind met their end in the seal judgments. With this additional third that means that over 3 billion people will have died by the time this is over, and the Great Tribulation hasn't even begun yet.

The cause of this destruction is the release of angels at the Euphrates River, but the River hasn't been dried up yet allowing the Kings of the East to cross. That comes later in Rev. 16:12. I think this passage is describing warfare that takes place in the Far East where over 40% of the world's population lives (many in crowded conditions increasing the potential for mass casualties) where religious and ethnic tensions are traditionally high, and where several countries can mount huge armies. I think it's the coalition formed by the winners of this war that storms across the dried up Euphrates while the anti-Christ is distracted by other uprisings. (Daniel 11:40-44)

The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk. Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts. (Rev. 9:20-21)

You'd think that with those demonic locusts attacking only non-believers and 3 billion people dying from wars and other disasters, people would be flocking to the Lord in search of comfort and security. But this just doesn't happen, and I'll tell you why.

There is a belief floating around that's as old as mankind but in the last days will become a religion that deceives almost everybody. It's called the Luciferian Doctrine and understanding it helps explain why the world won't turn to its Creator in this, the worst time in human history. The Luciferian doctrine is named of course after Lucifer, a Latin name meaning, "light bearer." It holds that Lucifer is the good guy trying to enlighten the people of the world in preparation for the spiritual evolution necessary to bring peace to all mankind. According to Luciferian Doctrine our physical evolution is finished and all we need to do now is throw off the bonds of Judeo-Christian thinking to complete our spiritual evolution and enter into our long awaited Utopian Era.

But Lucifer's being hindered in all this by the evil Adonai (Hebrew for Lord) Who, along with His followers, is working to thwart Lucifer's grand plan by requiring everyone to adhere to His reactionary religion, effectively preventing our spiritual evolution. In order for humanity to achieve Utopia those who insist on clinging to their obsolete Judeo- Christian faith have to be eliminated. The Great Tribulation is characterized in Luciferian Doctrine as the evil Adonai's last great effort to destroy mankind's "light bearer" and prevent our ascension into Utopia, keeping us in bondage to Him.

Following the church's disappearance the Truth will become pretty scarce on Earth and the whole world will be deceived into believing the Luciferian Doctrine just as Paul warned would happen (2 Thes. 2:9-12). So naturally, thinking the Lord is the bad guy, they became even more intense in their worship of Lucifer, hoping that he'll prevail and bring an end to their suffering. (There is a way that seems right to man, but the end thereof is death ... Prov. 14:12) Lucifer, of course, is also widely known as Satan or The Devil.

Next time we'll learn about the two witnesses, discover where the New Temple will be built, and witness the event in heaven that signals the beginning of the Great Tribulation. See you then.

Prophecy Digested

Prove All Things knowing that all Prophecy is about Jesus and God revealing His Son…To us..for our…Salvation. We post material that is questionable, objectionable, and in the opinion of the Editor of the Prophetic Perspective, valid to use as God chooses to. Sometimes that is highly suspect as material setting “dates” of the Rapture is, but often these posts, may have pieces that are correct to futher study.  

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Michael James Stone

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We do well to seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness

Not a political or personal agenda

Just Jesus


This material was brought to you by Broadcast(B.C.)Christianity. Last Call Digest, is a ministry of Michael James Stone, volunteers, and people dedicated to the Love of God and Salvation of Souls. It is an aggragate of Christian Material selected to Bless you and Prepare you for each and every day you read them. May God Bless You as You Do!! Reading these Devotions will help you to prepare daily for life, living, and your Lord. You will hear God Speak To You thru them.  Jesus  is Coming Very Soon.

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OTY: The Revelation (9) - Jack Kelley

OTY: The Revelation (9) - Jack Kelley

Revelation 8

The first cycle of judgments is ending. The 144,000 have been commissioned and a huge group of martyrs has arrived in Heaven. In many places on Earth war rages unchecked, with its attendant famine and pestilence, and yet in other places peace still prevails. Those lucky enough to enjoy it are fooled into thinking that soon the rest of the world will settle down too, and it'll be business as usual. Since the anti-Christ has not yet been revealed as Satan's man for Planet Earth, many still see him as a talented world leader doing his best to restore order, and despite the unprecedented death tolls and all the missing people, they still give him high ratings.

But in Heaven it's a different story, because God is about to unleash the 7 Trumpet judgments. It gives Him no pleasure to do this. But as bad as they were, the now concluding Seal Judgments simply weren't severe enough to turn man's stubborn heart back to Him. Alas, He knew it all along, but that doesn't make matters any easier. If only He didn't love them so much, He could just let them destroy each other. But while His righteousness demands justice, His love requires that He keep on trying to save them.

The Seventh Seal and the Golden Censer

When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.

And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets.

Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before the throne. The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of the saints, went up before God from the angel's hand. Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake. (Rev. 8:1-5)

The half hour of silence fills Heaven with a sense of foreboding, as if all the angels are holding their breath, waiting for the Lord to act. The post-Rapture believers on Earth know what's coming too, and their urgent prayers come up before the Throne in a giant cloud of incense.

But the time for mercy ended with the Rapture. This is a time for justice and as the angel hurls fire from the altar, God announces the coming judgments in His traditional way, with thunder, lightning and earthquakes.

The Trumpets

Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them.

The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down upon the earth. A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up. (Rev. 8:6-7) Reminiscent of the plagues of Egypt the first judgment is upon the land. Fire breaks out over a third of the Earth, the acrid smoke from the grass and trees filling the skies above.

The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed. (Rev 8:8-9) This judgment appears to be a giant asteroid or meteor crashing into the Earth's oceans. This has happened to Earth hundreds of times in it's history. The latest was on June 9, 2006 when a meteor slammed into Northern Norway with an impact force equal to the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan.

Astronomers are currently watching 736 potentially hazardous Near Earth objects (NEO). As of now none are projected to collide with Earth but these scientists caution us that NEO's often appear suddenly and with very little warning. How many of us knew that one was about to strike Norway?

The meteor strike referenced in this passage causes astounding devastation, turning 1/3 of the world's oceans a poisonous red color, killing 1/3 of marine life and destroying over 43,000 ships. (In 2005 there were 130,000 ships registered in 195 countries.)

The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter. (Rev. 8:10-11) Now judgment falls on the world's fresh water supply. One third of it becomes poisonous because of something like a shooting star that fell from the sky. The star is named Wormwood, from the Greek word apsinthos (absinthe). Because of this, some commentators believe that the agent making the waters poisonous is radioactive contamination.

They say this because, although it's not free of controversy, the Russian word chernobyl can be translated as wormwood and on April 25 and 26 of 1986 the world's worst nuclear disaster occurred in the Ukranian city by that name. A nuclear reactor in the Chernobyl power plant exploded during testing, releasing amounts of radioactive fallout into the atmosphere 300 times greater than the atomic bomb exploded in Hiroshima. If you saw the movie "China Syndrome" you learned that out of control reactors can burrow into the ground and once that happens are all but unstoppable.

There's no official word on whether that did or can happen at Chernobyl. But containment efforts are still ongoing 20 years later, and if European aquifers become contaminated, it's easy to see how this view of Rev. 8:11 could be accurate.

The fourth angel sounded his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them turned dark. A third of the day was without light, and also a third of the night. (Rev. 8:12) Between the smoke from the grass and forest fires, and particulates thrown into the air by the meteor strike the atmosphere has become so dense that 1/3 of the light from the heavenly bodies is blocked. I'm reminded of TV footage from the fires that Saddam's troops set in Kuwait's oil fields while retreating toward the end of the Gulf War. The smoke was so dense that it was like night during the day, the sun like a dark red ball floating in the blackened sky above. That's about what it'll look like as the world awaits the fifth trumpet.

As I watched, I heard an eagle that was flying in midair call out in a loud voice: "Woe! Woe! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the trumpet blasts about to be sounded by the other three angels!" (Rev 8:13) This is no ordinary eagle. The Greek text uses the word normally translated angel, indicating some kind of supernatural messenger, sent to prepare the world for what's ahead. Four of the trumpets have sounded, and the Earth is reeling from this onslaught. But now the judgments turn supernatural and are directed at man himself. It's about to get personal.

Prophecy Digested

Prove All Things knowing that all Prophecy is about Jesus and God revealing His Son…To us..for our…Salvation. We post material that is questionable, objectionable, and in the opinion of the Editor of the Prophetic Perspective, valid to use as God chooses to. Sometimes that is highly suspect as material setting “dates” of the Rapture is, but often these posts, may have pieces that are correct to futher study.  

“Rarely is anyone ALL RIGHT or ALL WRONG”

Michael James Stone

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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work herein is archived under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in reviewing the included information for personal use, non-profit research and educational purposes only.

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We do well to seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness

Not a political or personal agenda

Just Jesus


This material was brought to you by Broadcast(B.C.)Christianity. Last Call Digest, is a ministry of Michael James Stone, volunteers, and people dedicated to the Love of God and Salvation of Souls. It is an aggragate of Christian Material selected to Bless you and Prepare you for each and every day you read them. May God Bless You as You Do!! Reading these Devotions will help you to prepare daily for life, living, and your Lord. You will hear God Speak To You thru them.  Jesus  is Coming Very Soon.

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The material is being made available in an effort to understand scripture, news, technology and society especially as it relates to God and Jesus. It is specifically for non-profit research and educational purposes only. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use,' you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. This is a completely non-commercial site for private personal use. No fee is charged, and no money is made off of the operation of this site. Nor is any implied reciprocal gratuities implied or construed.

Posted via email from The Last Call Digest

What is Christ Like?: Love your Enemies (1)

(Someone who thinks like I do, but if he can’t answer a question on the subject: I can.

Michael James Stone

The 'Love Your Enemies' FAQ

OK, I admit it. Some of these questions are not frequently asked by anyone, except me. But I think it's the best way to explain the reasons behind this web site...
Why a 'Love Your Enemies' website?
But didn't Jesus say 'Love Your Neighbour'?
What do you mean by 'Love'?
Isn't Evangelism More Important?
Why is Social Justice Important?
Why do you take a pacifist stand?

Why a 'Love Your Enemies' website?
Because I believe that 'Love Your Enemies' is the most neglected of the commands Jesus of Christ. Yet it is also one of the most important, and the foundation for much of the rest of true Christian living.
Specifically, I am distressed and saddened that too many Christians follow the way of the world, which might be summarised, 'Love your friends but hate your enemies'.
In places of ethnic and religious conflict often (but happily not always) Christians automatically take sides with their social or religious group, and join in battles with other people.
In places where there is no direct fighting (such as most of the Western world), it seems normal to treat the rest of the world as second class citizens; and to accept that it is normal for much of the world to live in continuous poverty and violence. This web site exists to call Christians to not accept this.

But didn't Jesus say 'Love Your Neighbour'?
'Love Your Neighbour' was an existing Jewish teaching, and is found in the Old Testament (Leviticus 19:18). Jesus taught that this command applied not only to our literal neighbours, but to all people, including our enemies.
For more detail, see the article, But didn't Jesus say 'Love Your Neighbour'?
So to Jesus, 'Love Your Neighbour' meant 'Love Your Enemies'. I prefer to focus on 'Love Your Enemies', because it is more unexpected and stark, and reminds us to love even when it seems to be undeserved.

What do you mean by 'Love'?
'Love' is a distorted word these days. To many people, 'Love' refers to erotic or romantic love between two people.
That is not the meaning of Biblical love. In the Bible, love refers to a compassionate, selfless caring for other people. It is a love which manifests itself in actions, not merely feelings of attraction.
This is the type of love which God shows to people, and which Christians are called to show to all people.

Isn't Evangelism More Important?
Many Christians will quote Matthew 28:16-20 - the classic passage which tells Jesus' followers to 'make disciples' - as if it somehow negates the many commands to love people.
Christians are to practice both love and evangelism. They are not mutually exclusive.

Why is Social Justice Important?
Many Christians seem to believe that so-called social justice issues - such as addressing the problems of poverty and war in the world - are not part of Christian discipleship. Or at any rate, they are not an integral part of Christian discipleship.
I have to disagree. Social justice is just one of many ways of practising love to those in need. There is nothing threatening or anti-Christian about it. It is simply a way of practising 'Love your Neighbour' (and enemies).

Why do you take a pacifist stand?
Most simply, because I believe it is Biblical. For more detail, see the article, Is War Ever Justified?
But another reason is that the church has largely missed this element of the gospel, and needs to be alerted to it. Over the past generation or so, evangelical Christians have largely rediscovered the importance of social justice as an part of Christian living.
Now we need to make the next step, and realise that peacemaking is also part of social justice, and we need to be part of it.

NO This is not a site on the New Social Gospel, But when a Conservative Christian tells me they are conservative I tell them, No they are not. Conservative does what Jesus said. What most people call conservatism is the “New Christianity” that is Political, Social, Pro-Active, but neglects the Teachings of Jesus for the Righteousness of “causes”.
They are not Missionary Based or evangelism except it be to their own principles rather than what Jesus taught. They are the “last deception” the “Church” will go thru before Jesus returns.
Devotions with Emotion
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work herein is archived under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in reviewing the included information for personal use, non-profit research and educational purposes only.
‘Your Devotion with Emotion’
This material was brought to you by Broadcast(B.C.)Christianity. Last Call Digest, is a ministry of Michael James Stone, volunteers, and people dedicated to the Love of God and Salvation of Souls. It is an aggragate of Christian Material selected to Bless you and Prepare you for each and every day you read them. May God Bless You as You Do!! Reading these Devotions will help you to prepare daily for life, living, and your Lord. You will hear God Speak To You thru them. 

Jesus  is Coming Very Soon.
“the simple format”
Broadcast(B.C.)Christianity, operates by you, with you, and for you. “Freely you have received, freely give”  Pass this on, everywhere you can, anytime you can, anyway you can. You will be blessed if you do.

Last Days of the Last Generation                                                                                 “Last Generation”
                                      The simple format                                                                                      “the prophecy site just about prophecy”
This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.
The material is being made available in an effort to understand scripture, news, technology and society especially as it relates to God and Jesus. It is specifically for non-profit research and educational purposes only. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use,' you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. This is a completely non-commercial site for private personal use. No fee is charged, and no money is made off of the operation of this site. Nor is any implied reciprocal gratuities implied or construed.
