Michael James Stone Administrator
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| | If tomorrow never comes... « Thread Started Today at 6:31am » | |
If tomorrow never comes... first thought: WHO CARES. I loved today.
Then i thought wow. How selfish. I may have loved, or at least tried , but there are so many people who do not have that privilege today.
Many who do not even know Jesus or any truth. Who can not even make the choice to deny Him if He is false. I pray I have many more days Lord God no matter where you place me. I pray I will use my time wisely seeking you and sharing you with others. And I pray you open hearts and humbles us all so we may think highly of others. Above ourselves.
Help me Lord to help others the way you asked me to. Without expectation or gain. Teach me to love. To truly know what you want from me. Forgive me for being distracted and seeking the things of the world to bring me what only you can give me. Lord YOU took me.
Use me.
I have no where else to be.
Your people are my family. YOU are my way and without you I stumble and fall. I dont get back up. I pretend well. I fall short and I am sorry for not releasing the things burdening me Lord so I can focus on you. on your will. Lead me Lord God. Protect me. Provide my way Lord and show me how to serve. ♥ Praise you Jesus. Because of you I am healed. | |