LAST GENERATION "Good News" EARLY MORNING FEATURED DEVOTIONAL#5 Friday April 20 2012 Nisan 28, 5772

This Too Shall Pass

by Joyce Meyer - posted April 20, 2012

And it shall come to pass. —Genesis 4:14 (KJV)

In the beginning chapters of the book of Genesis we see a prophetic word that things will "come to pass." In fulfillment of this word, the expression "it came to pass" is used hundreds of times throughout the King James Version of the Bible.

For example, in Genesis 39 (KJV), which describes some of Joseph's experiences in Egypt where he was sold into slavery and rose to second in command of the entire nation, the phrase "and it came to pass" appears eight times. The last book of the Bible, Revelation, speaks of things, which must shortly come to pass (Revelation 1:1 KJV).

That should tell us in this life whatever exists now, or will exist in the future, is not permanent but temporary. The good news is, no matter how dismal our current situation or outlook, we are assured by God, "This too shall pass."

Life is a continual process in which everything is constantly changing. If we can grasp that truth, it will help us make it through the difficult times in which we find ourselves. It will also help us not to hold on too tightly to the good times, thinking, "If I ever lose all this, I just can't make it."

God wants us to enjoy all of life—not just its destination but also the trip itself.

From the book New Day, New You by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2006 by Joyce Meyer. Published by InProv. All rights reserved.

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