DoctrineOfGod: Spiritual Gifts (Gifts Of The Holy Spirit) "Gift Of Healings"


  Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

Gift Of Healings

NKJV Notes by Pastor Bob Caldwell

The gift of the Holy Spirit is given to some in the Body of Christ to bring about the restoration of the physical body when it has been overtaken by sickness. In this study we will look at some of the scriptures that promise divine healing and examples of how this gift can be manifested.

I. Healing as a part of God's provision in a fallen world

  1. Genesis 20:17 - God promises to heal Abimelech through the prayer of Abraham.
  2. Exodus 15:26 - God promises to protect His people from the diseases of Egypt if they live lives that are faithful to His will.
  3. Psalms 30:2 - David praises God for the healing of his body that kept him from death.
  4. Psalms 103:1-5 - David praises God for healing as one of the benefits of his relationship with God.
  5. Isaiah 53:5 & Matthew 8:16-17 - Matthew sees the healing ministry of Jesus as a part of the result of Christ's atonement for our sins when He suffered for the sins of a fallen world.
  6. Matthew 10:5-8 - Jesus sends out His disciples, commissioning them to include healing as an aspect of the manifestation of the Kingdom of God coming among them.
  7. Acts 5:16 - Peter is used by God in bringing healing to those who come to him.
  8. Acts 8:4-8 - Healing is one of the evidences given by God through Phillip of the genuine power of the
  9. Gospel.
  10. Acts 28:7-9 - Paul is used by God in praying for many who come to him who were sick and they are healed.

II. Examples of how this gift can be manifested

  1. II Kings 20:1-6 - Personal prayer to God in the life of Hezekiah.
  2. II Kings 5:8-14, Luke 17:11-14 - Here are two examples of being healed after an action of faith is obeyed.
  3. Matthew 8:8-13 - By simply speaking a word of healing God brings the healing (also John 4:50, Mt 8:16-17, Ps. 107:20).
  4. Acts 19:11 - At times people were healed when they made contact with an object that was associated with someone God had gifted with the power to heal (also Mk. 6:56, Lk. 8:43-44, Acts 5:14-16).
  5. Mark 16:17-18 - Some have been healed by being prayed for as hands are layed upon them as a point of contact to impart God's power to heal.
  6. Luke 8:2, 13:10-13 - Some illnesses can be the result of demonic influence, thus requiring the casting out of demons in a non-believer's life.
  7. James 5:14-15 - Healing can occur through the prayer and anointing of oil done by elders of the church.

III. Some Questions on Healing

  1. Are all people healed all the time?
    1. No. Examples include the following:
      • Galatians 4:13-15 - Paul refers to his own physical eye problems.
      • I Timothy 5:23 - Timothy has stomach problems that are not healed but is advised by the Apostle Paul to use a little wine for its medicinal value.
      • II Timothy 4:20 - Paul left Trophimus sick in Miletus.
  2. Is sickness the result of personal sin?
    1. John 9:1-3 - The possibilities of sickness are primarily the result of the fall, not personal specific sins.
    2. I Corinthians 11:30 - In some instances, sickness can be not only the result of the fall of man, but also of personal sin (also James 5:14- 15).
  3. Is faith necessary?
    1. Yes, sometimes it is seen only in the one administering the healing and sometimes it is also seen in the person needing the healing.
      • Acts 3:1-10, 16 - Here it was the faith manifested through Peter.
      • Matthew 17:14-21 - Here Jesus reveals the need for more faith to be exercised in those praying for others.
      • Matthew 13:55-58 - Jesus did very few miracles of healing because of the unbelief of the people in Nazareth.
  4. Is evangelism a part of the result of this gift?
    1. Yes.
      • Acts 8:6-7 - Many came to Christ in Samaria due to the manifestation of the Kingdom of God over the forces of evil and the results of the fall (also Acts 28:8-10).
  5. Is it the person or God who heals?
    1. It is God.
      • Acts 3:16 - Peter points to the faith God gave that made the lame man whole (Acts 3:1-10).
      • Acts 14:8-17 - Paul points the people to not glory in him, but in God after Paul is used to bring healing to a crippled man.

IV. Conclusion

Healing is a wonderful act of God's grace to relieve the suffering of the sick. However, as is seen, it is not possible to say God heals all people every time, and this gift obviously does not stand in the way of the inevitable physical death that only the resurrection will cure.

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