DailyLeadership: What are you currently doing to open yourself to new ideas? (161-3)

What are you currently doing to open yourself to new ideas? (161-3)

Written by Barry-Werner on February 16th, 2011. Posted in Accountability, Jeremiah, Leadership Principles, Learning Organization, Old Testament.

Wise leaders learn from both positive and negative stimulus. The leader who errs and then punishes the one that points out their error commits a double fault. Read Jeremiah 18:18.

Jeremiah delivered a harsh message from God. He told the people of Judah and Jerusalem to repent, change their ways, and return to God or the Lord would empower Babylon to capture Jerusalem, pillage the home of the king and the temple, create great hardship during the siege of the city, kill many during he assault and take the rest of the people into captivity to Babylon to serve as slaves. The people of Judah were in great danger because they were living in disobedience to God. Their response was not to learn from Jeremiah but to attack the one leader who had enough concern and courage to tell them the truth. 

A leader’s continuous improvement requires continuous learning. Leaders must remain flexible and teachable because yesterday’s growth won’t suffice for today. Only the learning leader will continue to excel over the long haul. When nations, organizations, teams or leaders stop learning they are setting themselves up for failure. A popular saying is “those who don’t learn from history are destined to repeat it.”

Effective leaders do their best to create an atmosphere that encourages learning for themselves, their organization and their team. They constantly seek new information that will keep them abreast of the facts and they remember the principles learned through past experiences and help their team to apply them to new situations. As a leader commits to continuous learning from every situation, God gives them a progressive revelation or greater wisdom on how to use the information they take in.

What are you currently doing to open yourself to new ideas? Have you built a structure that promotes and stimulates learning? Effective leaders are life long learners.

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