RaulRies: "God’s Law and Punishments"

TUESDAY, January 18, 2011

God’s Law and Punishment

So you shall not pollute the land where you are; for blood defiles the land, and no atonement can be made for the land, for the blood that is shed on it, except by the blood of him who shed it.

Numbers 35:33

I could not sleep the other night, so I got up and read my Bible. I was looking up all of the biblical laws which our laws are based on today. Many are changing and some have already been changed since the beginning of laws, but this verse really stood out to me. When we do not punish a murderer, we are defiling the land.

Murder was not the only crime punishable by death. These are some of the crimes that brought the death penalty: premeditated murder, kidnapping, striking or cursing a parent, magic or divination (witchcraft, Ouija boards, palm readers), bestiality (people who use animals for satisfaction, perversion), sacrificing to false gods, taking advantage of the Sabbath Day, offering human sacrifices, adultery, incest, homosexuality, blasphemy, false prophets with false prophecy, incorrigible rebelliousness, fornication, rape of a virgin.

All of these were punishable by death, not jail time. They would be put to death. God wrote the law, but man has changed the law. Man thinks he has more wisdom than God. It is really sad what has happened. We have drifted away from God’s law and defiled the land. Now, we do not punish the guilty; we have jails packed out with criminals.

If God had wanted us to have a permissive society He would have given us the Ten Suggestions instead of the Ten Commandments.
-M. M. Hershman-

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