BobCoy: "Two Stories"

Devotionals by Active Word

Pastor Bob Coy photo
Two Stories
Monday, January 17, 2011

Psalm 136 simultaneously tells two stories. On the one hand, it recounts the mighty exploits of God as He created the earth and all that's in it, as He rescued and redeemed Israel out of slavery in Egypt, and as He gave them victory over all their enemies on their way to the Promised Land. That's the first story.

The second story is studded throughout the first story, and it's the story of God's mercy. Each and every verse of this Psalm ends with this declaration: For His mercy endures forever. Without exception, each of God's mighty deeds is punctuated by the declaration of His mercy.

Now, here's what we need to note as we consider these two stories: The might of God is always linked together with the mercy of God. When the Lord moves and operates according to His divine might, it's never at the expense of His tender mercy. That's good news! Because our imaginations can run wild with how horrible it would be if the God of all power was also a God of cruelty.

Praise the Lord that this is not the case! Mercy never leaves Him, because it's an indivisible part of who He is. When He sees a person who is bent down, He doesn't crush them. When He sees someone whose flame is burning out, He doesn't snuff him or her out. He's not like that. His mercy endures forever, and in His mercy He moves mightily on behalf of those who are His.

Two stories…one of might, one of mercy. Yet both stories are speaking to us about the same God, the God of might and the God of mercy.

Mighty God, we praise You for Your mercy, and we pray that Your mercy will touch and transform our lives in every way that You want it to.

 Think About It…  

What does this passage reveal to me about God?

What does this passage reveal to me about myself?

Based on this, what changes do I need to make?

What is my prayer for today?   

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