Spiritual Housekeeping ~ Mark Balmer

Based on “Under His Influence—REALLY!!!” by Pastor Mark Balmer;
10/10-11/09, Message #MB392; Daily Devotional #2 - “Spiritual Housekeeping”

Preparing the Soil (Introduction): A flash of lightning streaked across the nighttime sky. As it did, it illuminated the clouds that could not be seen because of the darkness. Although the lightning shadowed the clouds, it could not shine through them. What a vivid picture of Pastor Mark’s illustration of how the Holy Spirit illuminates our hearts and exposes the sin that prevents His light from shining through us! In spite of the intense heat of the lightning, it could not penetrate the clouds. So it is with God’s Spirit. He exposes our sin, but does not shine through our sin. If we are to be His light in the world around us, we need to rid ourselves of sin.

Planting and Watering the Seed (Growth): If we are serious about saying, “Yes,” to the Lord, we must be just as serious about saying, “No,” to sin (Hebrews 12:1). We need to allow the Holy Spirit to help us examine our lives regularly. Are there worldly attitudes, habits, compromises, or thoughts that we have allowed to influence us and thus taint our witness? When others see these in us, they may think one of two things: either we are hypocrites, or these things are really no big deal. When we recognize these in our own life, we must confess them and get rid of them. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9). We may even need to admit to our unsaved friends that we have sinned and need to ask God for forgiveness. This can be a witness to them that we are not perfect, but we are forgiven. As we get the worldly influences out of our lives, we open ourselves to let His influence flow freely through us.

Harvesting the Crop (Action/Response): Consider the spiritual influence that you have in the lives of those around you. You may be the only “contact” they have with Jesus. What do they see? Do they see a life that is compromised by worldly attitudes, or do they see a life consistently lived under His influence? Go a bit farther and ask yourself, “Will my life lead someone to Christ or away from Him?” Confess what you need to, and ask the Holy Spirit to create a clean heart in you so that your witness may be real to a world in real need.

Cultivating (Additional Reading): Psalm 51:10; Psalm 139:22-24

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