Really? ~ Mark Balmer

Based on “Under HIS Influence – REALLY!!!” by Pastor Mark Balmer; 10/10-11/09,

Message #MB392; Daily Devotional #1 - “Really?”

Preparing the Soil (Introduction): Really? I have the opportunity and privilege to be used by God leading in small group and home group settings. Over the years I can see how God has been changing the way I conduct the meetings. When I first started, if the people in the group could recite the spiritual principal when the study was over I thought I had accomplished the goal: instilling spiritual knowledge into people’s lives. Slowly, God started working on me to be more personal. By the time I came to Calvary I understood that leading is not about just giving people more knowledge. Knowledge is very important, but having the right answer is not the most important thing. It is what you do with that answer.

Planting and Watering the Seed (Growth): Quite often, when I ask a question in the small group or home group, one of the people will respond with a very spiritual answer. They quote Biblical principals generally as a blanket covering any situation. I love these opportunities. Because then I get to ask them, “Really? What does that look like in your life? How have you specifically dealt with similar situations in your life?” Most of the time when it comes to personal experience or application they come up empty. Why? Because they know the principle, but they either do not know how to apply it in the real world or they choose not to. Knowledge without application is the same as faith without works: it is dead (James 2:17). Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does. (James 1:22-25)

Harvesting the Crop (Action/Response): “Really?” is the point where the rubber meets the road. Does your walk match your talk? I love home groups and small groups. They are the place where the rubber meets the road. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we need to keep each other real, grounded in the Word and reality, not just great and lofty principles. The knowledge is very important. Before, if people left with knowledge I thought my job was done. Now when the people leave my group and they do not understand what the principle looks like in real life and how to use it in theirs, I know I have not accomplished anything of value. The blessing of applying spiritual knowledge is amazing. It does not affect just you. It will also affect those around you as well. Being real shows all of us who are not super spiritual that God can work through us and touch the lives of those around us right where they are. Take a moment and reflect on all God spoke to you through Pastor Mark's series Under His Influence. How are you applying them in your life?

Cultivating (Additional Reading): Psalm 25; Romans 2:13; Matthew 7:24-27

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