Proverbial Tweets from Rick Warren

  1. @Ann Dunagan- AMEN Rick! God isn't Republican, Democrat- or even American! His heart is for the WHOLE WORLD & HIS KINGDOM! from web
  2. Joshua:"Are you for us or for our enemies?" Angel:"NEITHER! I'm commander of God's army"Josh5:14 Pastors cant be partisans! from web
  3. Balance ur preaching:“Edification,Exhortation & Comfort”1Cor.14:3 BUILD UP(doctrinal)FIRE UP(motivational)HOLD UP(pastoral) from web
  4. 95% of criticism is caused by envy, ego, or erroneous info.The 3rd is usually motivated by first 2. James3:16=why confusion from web
  5. RT @carlester I'm reading & studying Purpose Driven Life over the next 40 days. Do you know anyone who wants to join me? from web
  6. If u look at the world,u'll be depressed.If u look within, u'll be distressed.If u look at Christ,u'll be at rest.-CTenBoom from web
  7. People tend to believe the parts of the Bible they like & ignore/deny what doesnt fit their system.U cant box in God! from web
  8. Sex is far more than a physical connection.You give yourself.Tell teens they don't make a condom to protect your heart. from web
  9. - How'd you like to have this usher greeting at your services? from TwitPic
  10. Seminary teaches u to THINK & learn essential tools u dont know u need yet. Just beware "Knowledge puffs up"1Cor.8:1 I from web
  11. Kingdom-minded leaders give children's & student ministry PRIORITY "...They ARE the kingdom of God!"-Jesus. Love Next Gen! from web
  12. it takes about 10yrs of local church pastoring to lose the arrogance u pick up in seminary,otherwise u likely wont lose it. from web
  13. "The very day I call for help, the tide of battle turns.Enemies flee!This one thing I know:God is for me!" Psalm 56:9 LB from web
  14. It's HOW u live,not HOW LONG that matters; the donation of ur life,not the duration. U choose 2waste, spend,or invest time from web
  15. Your creation cost nothing. Your salvation cost God’s son. Your sanctification costs your ego. from web
  16. - Hell fears the cross. Godloves it.We ignore it.The Cross is I crossed out.All over Saddleback! from TwitPic
  17. USAToday asked to post winning cover of THE HOPE YOU NEED contest Fri. AM! We're also giving a gift 2 everyone who entered! from web
  18. "In the Church of Jesus Christ there can &should be no non-theologians." - Karl Barth from web
  19. Fear-based evangelism lasts as long as the fear.U need Jesus not because U'll die tonite but because U must live tomorrow from web
  20. "Just as my mouth can taste good food, so my mind tastes truth when I hear it." Job 12:11 (Living) from web
