Sharing God's Truth ~ Charles Stanley

Communicating with others.

Matthew 20:18-20

Sadly, a lot of people will make a statement like, "That may be true for you but not for me." Genuine truth is not relative. Nor is it a part-time phenomenon. In other words, if something is true, then it's always true. Therefore, the rock-solid principles that God has communicated to you should, in turn, be shared with others.

We see this admonition repeatedly in Scripture. In Matthew 28:18-20, the Lord gives us what is known as the Great Commission. This is a charge for all of us who believe: we are to go out and spread the truth about Jesus Christ, teaching others what we have been taught.

Likewise, in 2 Timothy 2:2, Paul instructs Timothy not only to tell others what he has learned, but also to encourage those men to tell even more people. In 2 Corinthians 5:20, Paul even states that we, as believers, are "ambassadors for Christ." In other words, we are His emissaries to the world.

We are to take what we know and make it known to those we encounter. For what purpose? The passage makes it clear that our mission is to help others be reconciled to God.

How can we ever doubt the urgency of this message? We have a truth to tell, and we must share it!

This week, take the time to write out your faith story, including all the key details. Review this testimony so you'll feel comfortable and confident sharing it with little or no warning. Then, pray for opportunities to share your faith. This shouldn't be scary; just tell your story, and trust the results to God.
