"Utmost with the Least Most", I have rights~Michael James Stone


Ye call Me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I

John 13:13

Our Lord never insists on having authority; He never says - Thou
shalt. He leaves us perfectly free -

so free that we can spit in His face, as men did;
so free that we can put Him to death, as men did;
and He will never say a word.

But when His life has been created in me by His Redemption I instantly recognize His right to absolute authority over me.

It is a moral domination - "Thou art worthy . . ."

It is only the unworthy in me that refuses to bow down to the worthy.

If when I meet a man who is more holy than myself, I do not recognize his worthiness and obey what comes through him, it is a revelation of the unworthy in me.

God educates us by means of people who are a little better than we are, not intellectually but "holily," until we get under the domination of the Lord Himself, and then the whole attitude of the life is one of obedience to Him.

If Our Lord insisted upon obedience He would become a taskmaster, and He would cease to have any authority.

He never insists on obedience, but when we do see Him we obey Him instantly, He is easily Lord, and we live in adoration of Him from morning till night.

The revelation of my growth in grace is the way in which I look upon obedience. We have to rescue the word "obedience" from the mire.

Obedience is only possible between equals; it is the relationship between father and son, not between master and servant.

"I and My Father are one."

"Though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered." The Son's obedience was as Redeemer, because He was Son, not in order to be Son.


I have Rights.

I hear that a lot lately. Especially in times of trouble and attitudes when someone things they are being abused, stepped on, persecuted, or mistreated. I think we out to become Moradized to our "rights" we ought to learn:

You have the right to remain silent. If you give up that right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you.

Since I already have an advocate in Jesus, I think when someone offends me, contradicts me, challenges me or out just makes me mad enough blow thier doors off with religious prowess....I need to shut up.

If I shut up, God can speak up.

God, if he is my defense and my strong tower, is a better lawyer than I am.

He is my defense attorney. He knows I am guilty. He knows I deserve the maximum sentence the law allows and He knows HOW to get me off Scott free. Jesus represents me, and he lays His Life on the line each time He goes to court on my behalf.

Since I have a lawyers like that, I know I can trust the verdict because Jesus himself is placing his Life on the line for me.

My choice is do I exercise my right to speak up?
Do I defend Myself?
Do I assert my rights?
Do I need to really open my mouth at all in any circumstance or situation that comes against me?


Depends if I want Jesus representing me or not.

I have rights....,

The right to remain silent.

If you give you that right, Everything you say Can and Will Be used against you....

Michael James Stone
