Shine Through~Mark Balmer

Shine Through


Based on “Shine for God” by Pastor Mark Balmer; 7/4-5/09,

Message # 2487; Daily Devotional #4 - “Shine Through”

Preparing the Soil (Introduction): I had the privilege this weekend to hear the testimony of a young man who was able to go on a mission trip to China. Hearing how God had worked out the circumstances and visa problems was cool. It is always good to remember that if God wants you somewhere, He already has the details figured out. The thing that stood out the most to me was when Leo started talking about his time in the underground Church. This is where I saw his personal relationship with God shine through. He did not know he was going to teach or say anything official, yet had something prepared, just in case he had the chance.

However, when the opportunity came to speak, he didn’t use his prepared message. Instead, he talked about the section of Scripture he had read the day before during his quiet time. It was during that time that God spoke to Him and gave him the words to say that would have an impact on the Church there. To hear how God spoke to him through the reading of the Word and spending time with God was amazing. Then God used that time to affect the lives of others. It was clear evidence of how a personal relationship with the Lord works. In a way, you could see Leo's face shine.

Planting and Watering the Seed (Growth): Spending time with the Lord affected the lives of those around Leo. It was evidenced by God's working through him. When we spend time with the Lord it is not just for ourselves. When Moses went up on the mountain it wasn’t just for himself. Yes, he did ask for God to show him His glory (Exodus 33:18). But that was not the only reason. God wanted to write His Words to the people on the new tablets, and Moses was the man for the job (Exodus 34). It was personal, but God had a much greater impact in mind than just for Moses. When Moses went to speak to God he did not go up on the mountain and say, “God, I have this plan worked out for how You should affect the lives of the Israelites. Would You bless it for me?” He went up on the mountain to hear from the Lord and then pass on what he heard. He told the Israelites what God told him, and that is how God guided the nation. One man in the hands of God can have an enormous impact.

Harvesting the Crop (Action/Response): God has chosen to use people just like you and me to impact the world. Are we perfect? No. Will we mess up? Yes. Is God's grace sufficient? Yes. But how can you and I have any effect of the world around us? By spending time with God (Philippians 1:6). In and of ourselves we do not have much to offer. Yet with God the potential is unlimited (Philippians 4:13). If you don’t think God can do great things through you, then there is a problem with your faith. Spending time with God, in His Word (the Bible) and listening to what He is telling us, gives Him the opportunity to shine through and affect the lives of those He places in our path. I love the opportunities God gives me. I look forward to the chance to pass along what He has spoken to me. Those words are not just good advice. They are the truth right from God. As He reveals Himself to us, He shines through us. The more time you spend listening and obeying God, the more evident His working will be in your life.

Cultivating (Additional Reading): Psalm 119:25-40; 2 Corinthians 3:12


Calvary Chapel of Melbourne; 2955 Minton Road; W. Melbourne, FL 32904; 321-952-9673

All Bible references are from the New International Version (NIV) unless otherwise noted.
