Why do so few Christian leaders finish well? (81-4)~Barry Werner

Why do so few Christian leaders finish well? (81-4)

In the last few weeks we have looked at two Judges who started strong and failed at the finish. Read Judges 6:11-8:32 & 14:1-16:27.

Two of the most famous judges were Gideon and Samson. Both men had a good start but finished poorly. It is not just these two leaders; two thirds of the biblical leaders finished poorly. My personal experience is this two thirds rate of leaders finishing poorly is still true today. Why do so few Christian leaders finish well:

  • They somehow dilute the original God-given vision that drove them.
  • Their success distorts their thinking moving it from dependence on God to dependence on self.
  • Their weaknesses go unaddressed and unchallenged.
  • They come to a position where they are no longer accountable to many earthly powers and they forget they are accountable to God.
  • They come to a point in life where they feel entitled rather than entrusted.

Do any of the points above describe your attitude? Don’t be one of the two thirds of all leaders that fail to finish well. While a good start helps, a good finish is up to you.

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