"I am the vine; you are the branches.~Mark Balmer

Fruitful on the Vine


Based on “Under HIS influence – Empowered” by Pastor Mark Balmer; 8/22-23/09,

Message #MB386;

Daily Devotional #3 - “Fruitful on the Vine”

Preparing the Soil (Introduction): "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) I wish I had received this teaching on the Holy Spirit long ago. At one time, I was just as Pastor Mark described. I was trying to cut the wood with a saw that had no power, and I finally had gotten to the point where I was discouraged and frustrated. I know there are many Christians out there that feel the same way. We must come to the realization that apart from Christ we can’t do anything. We can’t change ourselves or do what He has called us to do without the Holy Spirit.

Planting and Watering the Seed (Growth): While in prayer, the Lord took me to the passage of Scripture about the vine and the branches (John 15). Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches. If you are an unbeliever, you are a branch that is separated from the vine.

Without nutrients from the vine you will die. You may be walking this earth alive and well, but spiritually you are dead in your sin and will suffer an eternal death separated from God. You can’t live your life apart from Christ. If you are a Christian and are attached to the vine, but are still trying to reach to the soil to gain the nutrients you need for yourself-- you too will wither. Your strength and well-being come from the vine. The vine passes all that is needed to the branches, so the branches can bear fruit. If we continue on apart from Him, we will exhaust ourselves trying to be good enough. Our salvation becomes works instead of a free gift from God. If we could be good enough, then Christ would not have needed to come.

But, what if you accept the gift, rest in Jesus, and then draw your strength from Him? Would that change how you relate to Christ? Would that make you more sensitive to the Holy Spirit and His leading? If you find yourself frustrated and discouraged, surrender yourself to Jesus and rest in Him. Let Him lead. Once you do this, joy will be restored and your spirit refreshed.

Harvesting the Crop (Action/Response): Our sin nature wants to rebel against God. If we are not careful, even as Christians we can find ourselves in the driver’s seat trying to lead Jesus to where we want to go instead of resting in Him and following His direction. Jesus came and gave us the Holy Spirit to assure us, teach us, remind us, enlighten us, comfort us, guide us, help us to pray, and empower us to do all He wants us to do. Life won’t be problem free, and this world is still rough terrain, but God wants to reveal His glory through you and use you for His purposes. Cleave to the vine and you will bear much fruit!

Cultivating (Additional Reading): Mark12:24; Luke 24:49
