"Driven by eternity"-man from Cape Town~Greg Laurie

Driven by eternity

We are thankful that God allows us to not only touch our community, state, and country, but also our world through Harvest Ministries.

I just received a letter from a listener in Uganda.

Dear Pastor Greg,

Thank you for the work you are doing to the entire world through your preachings on Radio ABC in Uganda. It has really created an impact in me. Now I feel born again, and so continue with the work as you proclaim the truth of God’s Word.

Then, this e-mail from Cape Town:

Dear Pastor Greg,

Although I live in Cape Town, I feel as though I know your family and I want to thank you all for the amazing witness you have been to me during your enormous time of suffering through the loss of Christopher. What a witness you have been.

I watched you on TBN when you spoke soon after Christopher’s death, and in your utter pain, you were one of the most effective witnesses I have ever heard.

Thank you to you and your family for your love for Jesus Christ, who is our all. 
Your daily readings are so well grounded and it’s a privilege to have someone who tells the truth and expounds the Word so greatly.

The work you are doing in your Harvest gatherings is so exciting and makes us realize that at the end of the day, if we are not driven by eternity, we are missing out on the very best.

“Driven by Eternity”

Very well said. That’s what I want to be, “driven by eternity.”

How about you? Are you driven by eternity? If so, what does that mean?

Share your thoughts with me.
