Twitter Proverbs from Rick Warren

  1. Pastor,stop wishing u were in Atlanta,NYC,Chicago or SoCal &Pour ur love into the dear people he's called u to serve!Ph4:10
  2. 30 yrs ago Adrian Rogers told me "Rick, the pastor who is available ALL the time won't be worth much when he's available."
  3. U can be a THINKER without ever DOING anything, but U'll burn out as a DOER if U don't schedule time to think. Ps.77:12
  4. Where-get ideas? Observe.Think,Write.I've written them down since'70 when I began ministry at16.Learned habit fr J.Edwards
  5. When God wants 2 make a mushroom he takes 6hr.To make an oak tree he takes 60yrs.Which do u want to be? Be patient! Ph1:6
  6. Churches built on shaky foundations dont last.Build on TheWord,not the world; onTruth,not trends;onTheology,not psychology.
  7. Jesus had 30yrs of maturity b4 3yrs of world-shaking ministry.IMPACT requires integrity-which takes yrs of unselfishness.
  8. RT @brettlandry U should RTeverything @RickWarrensays!Seriously if ur looking 4an authentic life.Thx4 kind notes guys.LoveU
  9. To become like Jesus u must go thru all Jesus went thru: lonliness,fatigue,temptation,hurts.No shortcuts 2maturity! Rom8:17
  10. God doesnt bless most those who deserve it most.He blesses most those whoTRUST him most.Heb11:6 Its"byGrace thruFaith"
  11. Sovereign Factors=God's choices 4u:parents,when&where born, talents,race,etc.But YOU CHOSE how much He blesses u.SeeMt.9:29
  12. 10% of members serve in ministry,50%wont,But 40% say"Ive never been asked or dont know how" Go after them!
  13. FUN 4NightOwls Ecc10:2 ISNT about politics"The heart of the WISE inclines 2 the RIGHT,but the heart of the FOOL 2 the LEFT"
  14. Purpose Driven Life #2:PAUL “I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step" 1 Cor.9:26(NLT) Also Acts 20:24
  15. PurposeDrivenLife #1:Jesus.At age12:”I must be about my father’s business” At age 33 “It is finished!” That’s PD!
  16. Hab 3:17-19 is for your members out of work, staff layoffs, and your budget crunch during this recession.
  17. "Even though...olive crops fail,fields lie barren,flocks die,barns empty-the Sovereign Lord is my strength!”Hab 3:17-19. Pass on!
