For there stood by me this night an angel of the God~Dimitri

"For there stood by me this night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve, saying, 'Do not be afraid, Paul'" (Acts 27:23-24a).

Dear Michael,
What do you fear the most: Snakes? Spiders? Heights? Lightning? The Sea? Fear is an emotional response that can be triggered by any perceived threat, uncertainty, or danger. It is often accompanied by varying levels of stress, anxiety and tension. Fortunately, for the Christian, faith is the spiritual antidote to fear. Faith cancels out fear by assuring us that God is always in full control of every situation, even in the greatest perils and trials.

From time to time every Christian experiences perils and trials. In every one of Paul's missionary journeys he faced life-threatening situations, both on land and at sea. On one occasion, on a voyage to Italy, he was caught in a fierce storm (Acts 27). Battered by gale-force winds, the ship (with two hundred and seventy-six persons on board) was in danger of being torn to pieces. At the captain's orders, the weary crew dropped the sails and tied ropes around the ship in order to hold it together. Then they tried to lighten the vessel by throwing some of the cargo and equipment overboard. For fourteen days the ship was driven by hurricane-force winds that showed no signs of abating.

Throughout the perilous journey Paul's faith was firmly anchored on the Lord. While the crew had given up all hope of being saved, he was confident that God was in full-control. When he called on the Lord by night, his prayer was heard. An angel comforted Paul and assured him that they would reach their final destination and that there would be no loss of life. Are you not thankful that our God is always in complete command of every situation? Nothing is beyond His control. And what's more, He watches over you and I day and night.

For our comfort, God's word is filled with assurances for every challenge we may face in this life - even those that appear to be life threatening! Is it possible to remain calm in the midst of such great perils? Yes, but only when our faith is firmly anchored upon the Lord. Psalm 46:1-3 says, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled."

Perhaps you may be encountering some troubled waters in your life right now. God's word to you is, "Do not be afraid" (Acts 27:24). In simple childlike faith, fix your eyes upon the Lord, and be assured that His eyes are on you. Hold fast to Him, and know that our Lord and Saviour is "a very present help in trouble." He is always with you. In prayer, lay your burdens at His feet, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:7).

In His strong love,
