Share what works in your life ~ Jon Courson

Whereunto I also labour, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily.

Colossians 1:29
Mom and dad, that which you will most effectively communicate to your kids is that which works in you. Sunday School teacher, youth worker, home group leader — what will ultimately be fruitful in your ministry is that which has personally been worked through and lived out by you. So many ministries lack power because they are based on sharing concepts which are true but which lack impact because they haven’t been worked out in the life of the teacher.

Gang, I’ll tell you what to share with your kids, neighbors, friends, or third-grade Sunday school class: share what works in your life because it’s not how much you know, it’s how well you know what you know. 

Has what you’re teaching been worked out through your life? Has it become a part of you? If you share only what you’ve heard from others, your teaching will be dry. However, if, like Paul, you share that which ‘worketh in you mightily’, your teaching will be anointed because it will truly be Christ in you ministering the hope of glory.
