The power of the Holy Spirit ~ David McGee

Acts 8:18-19
And when Simon saw that through the laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money, saying, "Give me this power also, that anyone on whom I lay hands may receive the Holy Spirit."
Life Lesson
God has given us power and resources to reach others.
In this passage, Simon thought he could buy the power of the Holy Spirit. Simon wanted this power so that he might impress others with it. That is not what the power of God is for. The power of God is given to us to live for Him. We now have the power of God to live a life that shows others that we have been changed. We should be using our power and resources to reach people. 
Calvary Chapel wants to spend our God-given resources to reach people with the good news about Jesus.
We want to encourage the people in their faith. Throughout the bible, we see Jesus using His power to touch lives, and did so without some weird display. I believe this gives us our model of what using that power looks like. Why do you desire supernatural power? Hopefully it is to bless others. How do you use your God given resources? Is it to bless and reach others? I hope that it is. With what we have been given, we can make a difference in the hereafter, by making a difference in the here and now.
All the good things in my life have come from you. My life, my strength, my wisdom, and all that I am or hope to be is a gift from you. I want to use my power, strength, and resources to reach a lost and dying world. We know from your life, Jesus that you cared about people. As I follow you, help me to care for others. Help me to use what you have given me wisely as a good steward to reach others. In the name of Yeshua, Jesus, Amen.
