God gave us the gift of sexual intimacy. ~ Raul Ries

God’s Gift of Sex
“Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of your youth.”
Proverbs 5:18 

God gave us the gift of sexual intimacy.

He intends for us to enjoy it, but only within the boundaries for us to enjoy it, but only within the boundaries of marriage, between one husband and one wife, committed exclusively to each other for the rest of their lives. Only within this context is sex as beautiful as God intended it to be.
Reporting on sexual relations in out country, an article in Newsweek stated: “In fact, it’s in marriage, the only coupling in which sex is fully sanctioned by society, where the highest rates of physical satisfaction were reported (88%).”
Thought for the Day:

As a husband, you are always to be enraptured
By your wife’s love. And, you need to
Continually kindle the fire.
