Just say yes ~ Mark Balmer

Based on “Under HIS Influence - Yes, Lord” by Pastor Mark Balmer; 10/3-4/09,

Message #MB391; Daily Devotional #3 - “Just Say Yes”

Preparing the Soil (Introduction): Flo, a friend of my sister’s, recently came to visit her for a couple of weeks. In talking with my sister, she realized that she needed the power of the Holy Spirit to enable her to be an effective witness for Christ. She went forward after a Sunday morning service and asked for prayer to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. She left shortly thereafter to visit a friend with a terminal illness. Flo witnessed to this friend, called my sister for some key verses, and led her friend to the Lord. My sister sent her friend a Bible, and Flo helped her to find a church family where she could worship and grow in the Lord. One person opened her house to a friend, who opened her heart to the Spirit and led another person to accept Christ. Three people said, “Yes,” to God. How many lives will be impacted by this no one knows.

Planting and Watering the Seed (Growth): Pastor Mark challenged us to make it a practice to start every day by telling God, “Yes, Lord,” to everything He asks of us. Our first, natural response to this challenge might be, “No!” Stepping out in faith always involves risk, and that impacts our comfort zone. Some of us are so wrapped up in our own comfort that we are willing to say, “No,” to God to preserve it. But, if we believe that our all knowing God loves us with the purest of love and has a perfect plan for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11), then we must believe that, “Yes, Lord,” is the only response we should have. When we say, “Yes,” to God we open the door for His Spirit to work through us in ways we could never imagine. For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. (Philippians 2:13) He gives us the desire, as well as the power of the Holy Spirit, to work for Him. We can trust God to lead us where He has already been preparing for the work He has for us. As Philip reached the Ethiopian eunuch in the desert, he found the man open and responsive to the Gospel. (Acts 8:30-38). One man’s obedience resulted in another man’s acceptance of Christ. Again, how many lives were impacted by this, only God knows.

Harvesting the Crop (Action/Response): God is not interested in our comfort; He is interested in our obedience. There is no limit to what He can accomplish through a heart that is willing. Take the challenge. Say, “Yes, Lord,” and experience the joy of the plan He has for your life.

Cultivating (Additional Reading): James 2:17; John 10:3-4

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