Why did this have to happen? ~ Bob Coy


"You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden-except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." Genesis 2:16 (NLT)

When trials collide with our lives, it always seems to produce the question of why. Why did this have to happen? Why is there pain? Why is there turmoil? Why is there death?

There are really two ways of answering these questions. First of all, there are answers that are attached to something specific and personal to our lives. We'll be spending most of this month looking at these. But before we can look at the subject of suffering specifically, we have to look at it generally. That is, there is a general, universal, over-arching reason for mankind's trials.

In the opening verses of the Bible, we witness what happened. It's there in the Garden of Eden where God tells Adam and Eve they can enjoy everything the Garden has to offer them-with one exception. They are not allowed to eat the fruit of the tree that brings knowledge of good and evil. If they do, they will invite sin and death into their perfect world. But that is exactly what they do, and humanity has been dealing with the effects of their decision to disobey ever since.

Why bother going over all this? Because when it comes to the "why's of life" we need to remember that sin is the ultimate culprit, not God. He has a way of taking sin and turning it around to accomplish His purposes for us (Genesis 50:20). But from the very get-go in the Garden, suffering wasn't something God desired for us. Sadly, suffering is something that we've done to ourselves.

Discuss, Dig, Decide:

Discuss the relationship between sin and suffering. How do you see the suffering of this world to be a direct result of sinful choice? How can you support this view?

Dig into Genesis 2:16–17. What were the clear consequences of disobeying this warning? What is the purpose behind this command? In light of this verse, what has God revealed to you about trials?

Decide as a group to look for situations this week where Genesis 50:20 offers an accurate description of the circumstances. Next week, share how you saw God’s plan and purpose for good in a situation that seemed as though it was unredeemable. Encourage one another with your stories of God’s grace.
