Leadership: Are you striving for reputation or honoring God? (84-1) ~ Barry Werner

Are you striving for reputation or honoring God? (84-1)

Truly great leaders understand that leadership is all about the opportunity to serve people and add quality to their life. Read 1 Samuel 8:10-18 and 12:1-5.

In ancient Israel godly leaders were hard to find. Samuel, one of Israel’s greatest leaders, was one of the few. His life reflects the story of an intimate God-with-man relationship. Samuel loved God and even in childhood began developing the courage and conviction he would need during the difficult days in which he would serve Israel as prophet and judge.

Samuel’s view of leadership is shown in his protest over Israel’s demand for a king. He warned: “This is what the king who will reign over you will do: He will take your sons and make them serve…He will take your daughters…He will take the best of your fields…He will take a tenth of your grain and of your vintage… Your menservants and maidservants and the best of your cattle and donkeys he will take for his own use. He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will become his slaves.” Contrast that description with the conduct of Samuel, who served with a giving spirit as Israel’s leader.

Samuel realized the importance of servant leadership and warned against the dangers of leadership that used its power to exploit the people for personal gain and position. The fact that servant leadership was one of Samuel’s core values is validated by his farewell speech to the Israelites in chapter 12 when he asks anyone to step forward that he may have cheated and the people in one voice state that “you have not cheated or oppressed us…you have not taken anything from anyone’s hand.”

Leadership for Samuel was a stewardship, a responsibility, an honor. He demonstrated integrity because it was not his intention to demonstrate integrity. He was honest because his intention was not to be known as an honest man. He was fair and just because he wasn’t thinking about developing his reputation as an honest and just man. His intention was to honor God and serve God’s people. He wasn’t living to build a reputation. His higher calling and focus resulted in integrity, honesty, fairness, justice, and a good reputation with all the people.

Are you striving for any reputation other than honoring God and serving God’s people? Samuel’s life and legacy show that if you strive to honor God, all the other positive elements of a leader’s reputation will be there as well.

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