The older I get, the more I’m learning that prayer is not a monologue. It’s a dialogue. ~ Jon Courson

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7
The older I get, the more I’m learning that prayer is not a monologue. It’s a dialogue. I’m discovering more and more that the real need in my life is not for God to hear from me, but for me to hear from Him. And I find that as I walk, drive, or get on my knees, if I will pray a phrase or two and then just rest and be quiet, the Lord will bring specific Scriptures to my mind or will write His will upon my heart concerning how I am to pray.

But if I pray sentence after paragraph after page and then say, ‘OK, that wraps it up for prayer time today’ — I really miss it. Oh, I know that even that kind of prayer has power. Any prayer is better than no prayer. But I suggest that if you learn to pause and listen in prayer, the Lord will show you how to believe on behalf of another and how to pray specifically concerning any given situation.
