Proverbial Tweets from Rick Warren

  1. - You'll ALWAYS need mentors.I have 6 who help me.JohnStott,birdwatcher,sent this Saddleback Bird painting! from TwitPic
  2. "This is the day the Lord has made!"=Simple "Have a nice day!"=Superficial & Shallow. Not the same. Be simple,not shallow. from web

  3. Jesus taught profound truth in simple ways.We do the opposite. Many "deep" teachers are actually just muddy!It's arrogance. from web
  4. U dont fully understand a thing til u can explain it in a simple way. Confusing people is easy.U must THINK 2 be simple! from web
  5. You'll never do anything creative,innovative or worldchanging if u FEAR criticism.Pioneers r easy targets 4 arrows!Mt10:28 from web
  6. Gallup:Stil only 39% of America accept evolution theory.Why?Spontanous generation by chance requires far more faith than ID from web
  7. Growing churches require growing leaders.The moment you stop growing,so does the church.Read to lead. from web
  8. You can give without loving,but you cannot love without giving."God so loved the world that he GAVE his only son." Jn.3:16 from web
  9. USA Today interview:"Warren on Compassion,Politics& Church Health" 1st print interview in 9 months from web
  10. If u serve on a church staff & i'm not following u back yet,TELL me!"The godly in the land are my true heroes!"Ps16:3NLT from web
  11. @paul_hewson Love the song! from web in reply to paul_hewson
  12. "When you speak of heaven,let your face light up! When you speak of hell,your everyday face will do." Charles Spurgeon1858 from web
  13. - The SHARPEST WIT alive is friend Stephen Colbert.I can get him laughing but cant ever top him! from TwitPic
  14. Sermons must climax with 2words:WILL YOU?Dont be timid in drawing the net! I'm prayingEph6:19 for my guys so preach boldly! from web
  15. It takes SMALL GROUP BIBLE STUDY,not just preaching,4 a STRONG church.Last wk 38,530 studied God'sWord in our 4,000+groups. from web
  16. A Crowd is not a Church! Attendance isnt discipleship.Listening isnt doing. Weekends r just the funnel.Must have a process! from web
  17. Jesus backed grassroots people;the powerless not powerful; everyman not elites;overlooked widows not moneychangers.Mt5:3-13 from web
  18. "Some pastors talk like the church is just an enterprise with prayers added.I ask Where's the Holy Spirit?”- PDChurch pg59 from web
  19. FEEDBACK is the breakfast of champions!Visit me the cover# ulike! Add #THYN 2ur tweet.Thx! from web
  20. A great staff team isnt an orchestra led by a conductor but a jazz emsemble with each member taking the lead at dif times from web

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