Least Most: "The Least Words Possible" Michael James Stone

-excerpt from "Utmost with the Least Most"
by Michael James Stone

"The Least Words Possible"


Whatever you are doing right now, stop it.

Just stop. 
Be still.

Take a moment for yourself right now and pay attention.

Listen very carefully, read closely.

Take a really..... really ....really....deep breath, and hold it a second, then blow out.

Yes of course it sounds ridiculous and yes it may seem absurd where you are right now but so what. God dying on a cross seems pretty ridiculous. Jesus dying for me personally seems pretty absurd.

So, Stop.

Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. 

Relax..... Be still......

Now this time I want you to do it one more time and you can quit looking silly, foolish, upsurd.

Close your eyes and think about the first person you fell in love with. The moment of ecstatic angst that you actually ached to see that person. The one person you will never forget. The one you thought you couldn't live without.

Remember when You imagined what it was like to just touch the person, hold their hand, kiss them? You never wanted to leave them. You loved holding them and being held by them. Remember? Think about it.

Remember how you felt? Couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, just had to call them one more time, just had to text them or see them in person. 

Just one more...., just one more...., it was never enough.  You just had to be with them a little longer.., ARRGGHH......you had to have more.

Remember that?


Ok, Close your eyes, take a deep breath, think about that first time you fell in love.

As you let that breath go out of our chest say these simple words you meant so well with all you heart and soul and ache and tender feelings you had for one so young. 

The least of words, but the ones that burned in your chest to say when you meant it so much to the one you fell in love with.

Close your eyes.
Take a deep breath.
Hold it a Second,
Let it out and say,

"I Love You"


Do the same with Jesus.
