The Southern California Harvest begins tonight!

The Southern California Harvest begins tonight!

August 14th, 2009 Posted in Harvest Crusades, Pastor's corner, sermons | No Comments »

Tonight at Angel Stadium, we celebrate 20 years of stadium evangelism.

We have continued to call these events Harvest Crusades, as opposed to festivals or concerts, because we are continuing a tradition of what I call “proclamation evangelism.” This tradition goes back to D. L. Moody, Billy Sunday, and, of course, the man who coined the term “crusade” for these events, Billy Graham.

Harvest Crusades are events that are designed to present the message of the gospel to the nonbeliever, and then give them an opportunty to respond.

I cannot emphasize enough that this is an event for Christians to just go and “be blessed,” but also to bless others with the Good News. So pray now about someone who you can bring in person or send a link to watch this event live over the next three nights.

Our lineup for tonight

Dennis Agajanian played at our first Harvest Crusades event 20 years ago at Pacific Amphitheatre in Costa Mesa, and he’ll be here tonight, sharing his unique blend of bluegrass and country music.

You have probably never heard anyone play a guitar faster than Dennis Agajanian! He has been awarded Musician of the Year, as well as Entertainer of the Year many times by the Christian Country Music Association.

The Katinas, a group of brothers from American Samoa, will lead us in energetic praise and worship.

Finally, we have Third Day. This band has set the Christian music charts ablaze for years and continues to impact people with their dynamic blend of rock and clear lyrics that point people to Christ. We have been blessed to have them at a number of other Harvest Crusades events over the last few years, but this is their first time with us here in Anaheim.

The bubble that bursts

The title of tonight’s message is “The Bubble That Bursts.” It’s the story of a man who was a world-class intellectual, builder, and hedonist. He also penned the phrase, “There is nothing new under the sun.”

His name was Solomon and he was the King of Israel. He tried to find fulfillment in all the world offers, but came up empty. His own words were, “It was empty, futile, like a ‘bubble that bursts.’”

I will focus on the fact that still there is “nothing new under the sun.” Despite our advances in technology, so many are bored and empty. Use of antidepressants is at an all-time high.

People are searching for meaning to their lives, just Solomon as did, and God has the answers we seek in life through a relationship with Him.
