be transformed by the renewing of your mind~Mark Balmer



Based on “Under His Influence – The Battle” by Pastor Mark Balmer; 8/8-9/09,

Message #MB384;

Daily Devotional #4 - “Transformation”

Preparing the Soil (Introduction):Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2)

The world is Satan’s temporary domain, and if we choose to stay under his influence, we have conformed to his destructive plan for us, and ultimately we have chosen death over life. God’s Word warns us to defy worldly convention and live dangerously by following Christ as we even begin to think like Him.

It is in the daily decisions of life when we choose to think, obey, and act in a Biblical manner that we please our Father. We only find our lives when we are willing to lose them for Godly gain (Mark 8:35). Renewing our minds begins with a choice: my way or God’s way, with God’s way always being the right choice. Our way is not under His influence and brings Him no glory – His way brings endless hope and lights the path for a very dark world.

Planting and Watering the Seed (Growth): Therefore, assuming every Christ follower wants to renew our minds and be transformed into His likeness, how do we begin? We daily wait on Him, while praying for direction and filling our minds and hearts with His Word. We submit to His direction when we receive it, and we yield to brokenness and embrace the lessons He teaches. We allow the Lord to lead us by His Spirit.

Most of all, we learn to make decisions and choices that please the Lord, thereby helping us grow into the men and women God calls upon for His service, because He can trust us to do His will and not our own. I am sure the transformation will take our entire lives, but oh, what a wonderful journey to embark upon! We must become faithful people who seek, and then follow the Holy Spirit’s leading with our obedience. In our transformation we will begin to see less of us and more of Him. The peace that comes with walking with our Lord is hard to describe to those who have never known it. Yet, it is a peace that is worth the time and effort, and freely given to the Christ Follower (John 14:27).

Harvesting the Crop (Action/Response): We are all mirrors reflecting something. When we follow after Satan and his rule in this world, our mirrors will reflect the darkness. But when we choose to be a part of God’s Kingdom, allowing God to make the on-going transformation, we will reflect His love and His light, defeating the enemy at every juncture of life. Let us strive to live in peace and reflect a holy God to an unholy world.

There may be some small flecks in our mirrors, but they are no obstacle to God’s plan. He knows our weaknesses and brings His Holy Spirit to all who seek Him, strengthening us in all His ways. If we find our mirrors are fogged up today, repentance will clean them, for He is merciful (Proverbs 28:13). God will make us shine once again. It is not too early or too late to allow God to make the transformation in our lives. While we still have breath in our bodies, we have opportunity to become more like Him. So, though the battle is the Lord’s, the responsibility to make Godly choices is ours.

Today is a new day, another chance to get something right that may have been a little foggy before. Allow the light of God’s Word to shine on the dark areas of your life. Be the brightest mirror you can for our Father. He has been, and always will be, faithful to His Word. He will never leave us or forsake us. We have only to allow the transforming of our minds to see the transformation of our hearts. Go with God today (not against Him) and enjoy the victory.

Cultivating (Additional Reading): Psalm 128; John 14:15-21
