DAILY DEVOTIONS: "Does your leadership glorify God and bless others? (110-5)" -Leadership Principles

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Does your leadership glorify God and bless others? (110-5)

Written by Barry-Werner on February 26th, 2010. Posted in 1 Peter2 ChroniclesGenerosityMatthewNew TestamentOld TestamentPower and Influence.

It seems a little dramatic but there are times when God blesses a leader to bless an entire nation. Read 2 Chronicles 9:1-23.

John Maxwell discusses the extended blessing of an individual to a nation in his leadership notes in The Maxwell Leadership Bible.

Before he careened off course in his later years, Solomon began to fulfill God’s dream of blessing the nations through the nation of Israel. 

When leaders from the surrounding countries heard of his great wisdom, they hopped aboard their camels and made the long trek to Jerusalem to see whether the reports could be trusted. The Queen of Sheba spoke for these wide-eyed visitors when she said, “Blessed be the Lord your God, who delighted in you, setting you on His throne to be king for the Lord your God!”

After the queen saw Solomon’s splendor, he sent her away with much more than she brought (9:12). So she returned to her own land, blessed by God. Many other interested leaders visited Solomon after she left (9:23).

Centuries later, the Lord Jesus Christ would tell His followers that what they had received freely, they should freely give (Matthew 10:8). Solomon had asked for godly wisdom that he might rule in a way pleasing to God. The Lord freely gave him that wisdom, so he freely shared it with others – in his words in his music and in his writings.

Effective, godly leadership means giving what you have so that God may be glorified in all you do. What you have freely received, freely give – and so bless others.

1 Peter 4:10 Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.
