CLASSIC DEVOTIONALS: "Images: God's and Ours" -A.W.Tozer

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"Thanking God for the Day"


Images: God's and Ours

God made mankind in His own image. He "set eternity in the hearts of men" (Ecclesiastes 3:11). What a graphic picture! How much it explains ourselves to us! We are creatures of time—time in our hands, our feet, our bodies—that causes us to grow old and to die. Yet all the while we have eternity in our hearts!

One of our great woes as fallen people living in a fallen world is the constant warfare between the eternity in our hearts and the time in our bodies. This is why we can never be satisfied without God. This is why the question "What is God like?" continues to spring from every one of us. God has set the values of eternity in the hearts of every person made in His image.

As human beings, we have ever tried to satisfy ourselves by maintaining a quest, a search. We have not forgotten that God was. We have only forgotten what God is like.

Philosophy has tried to give us answers. But the philosophical concepts concerning God have always been contradictory.The philosopher is like a blind person trying to paint someone’s portrait. The blind person can feel the face of his subject and try to put some brush strokes on canvas. But the project is doomed before it is begun. 
The best that philosophy can do is to feel the face of the universe in some ways, then try to paint God as philosophy sees Him.
Most philosophers confess belief in a “presence” somewhere in the universe. Some call it a "law"—or "energy" or "mind" or "essential virtue." Thomas Edison said if he lived long enough, he thought he could invent an instrument so sensitive that it could find God. Edison was an acknowledged inventor. He had a great mind and he may have been a philosopher. But Edison knew no more about God or what God is like than the boy or girl who delivers the morning newspaper.


Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, in our likeness . . .' Genesis 1:26


God created us in His own image. That image has been marred and distorted by sin but not destroyed. What a tragedy that we are inclined to think of Him as if we had formed Him in our image.


May today my understanding of You grow. You are GOD! And I am Your child, Your sheep, Your serva
