Why Not Worry? ~ Bob Coy

"Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?" Matthew 6:27 (NKJV)

There are certain sins that seem to fly under the radar in Christian circles. We know they're wrong, but we don't put them in the same category as "big sins" such as kidnapping, adultery, or murder. As a matter of fact, we often justify these sins. One such sin is worry.

Make no mistake-Jesus defines worry as sin. He comes right out and commands us, "Do not worry about your life" (Matthew 6:25). There's as much divine authority behind this as the Ten Commandments, and yet we always seem to renew worry's lease in our hearts. But what could be a more brazen denial of the new life God has given us than worry? It's part of the old lifestyle, outside of Christ's provision and promises. When we worry, it's a real riches to rags story...and yet it's something we slip into so easily.

Jesus knows this, so in His Sermon on the Mount He not only tells us not to worry, but He also gives us a very logical reason why we shouldn't. He asks the question, "Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?"

In biblical times, a cubit was the standard unit of measurement. It was the distance from a person's elbow to their fingertip, which was usually about eighteen inches. By asking this rhetorical question, Jesus is making the strong statement that worrying never extended anyone's life, not even by eighteen inches. In fact, worry only serves to shorten life. Ask any doctor and they'll tell you that worry has never improved a patient's life. It saps a person of peace, strength, and hope, and it causes all types of physical ailments.

Regardless of what happens in life, don't worry. It's never going to add anything to your life; it's only going to steal from you.

Discuss with the group what you tend to worry about most frequently. What price have you paid for worry?

Dig into Matthew 6:25–34. How do these words of Jesus influence your thinking?

How does the Lord give you confidence and comfort when you read these scriptures?

Decide with your group to pray for those who are weighed down with worry. Bring their burdens to the Lord and ask God to grant them His perfect peace.

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