Trick Question ~ Bob Coy

"The baptism of John; was it from heaven or from men?" Luke 20:4 (NKJV)

It's difficult for us to understand the uncontested authority the Pharisees enjoyed and employed within Jewish culture. As long as anyone could remember, it was a given that these men were the custodians of truth. That is, until Jesus came along. "Radical" doesn't even begin to describe His stance towards the Pharisees. He repeatedly called them out and exposed them for their lack of true spiritual authority.

As it became clear the Pharisees were starting to lose ground in the hearts of the Jewish people, they launched their counter-attack. "What gives you the right to challenge us? By what authority do you say these things?" He could have answered their charge by simply declaring who He was, God in human flesh. But He asked them a question instead. "The baptism of John; was it from heaven or from men?"

This was actually a trick question on Christ's part that was designed to demonstrate they were the ones whose authority was lacking. It was a question they couldn't answer because if they said John was heaven-sent, people would wonder why they didn't accept Jesus the same way John did, On the other hand, they didn't dare deny John as being God-sent because the Jewish people were convinced of this. They feared offending the masses because they lacked true spiritual authority. So they were stuck.

They finally confessed, "We don't know!" So Jesus responded, "Well if you won't answer Me, I won't answer you." His point was to show them they had no business questioning Him since they couldn't even answer an obvious question about John. He put them in their place.

The truth we can take away from this exchange is simply this: The authority of Jesus is something we are to embrace and rejoice in, not challenge.

Discuss the authority of Jesus. In what area of your life have you seen the most significant change since you have recognized the authority of Jesus in your life?

Dig into Luke 20. What do you think the Pharisees were hoping for by questioning Jesus? How did His response silence his critics? What does this passage remind you of as you consider your own faith?

Decide to pray for those who are questioning the authority of Jesus. Ask God to give them a life-changing understanding of who He truly is.

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