The Strength of Our Life! ~ Raul Ries

“O, Lord of hosts, blessed is the man who trusts in you.”
Psalm 84:12

French painter Emile Ranouf had depicted, in one of his paintings, on old man dressed in fisherman’s garb, seated in a boat with a little girl next to him. Both the elderly gentleman and the child have their hands on a huge oar. The old man is looking down fondly at the little girl and apparently told the girl that she may assist him in rowing the boat. The child feels as if she is doing a great task. It is easy to see, however, that it is the old man’s strong, muscular arms that are actually propelling the boat through the water.
It is so easy to get caught up in the tasks that we carry out every day, that we fail to see that God’s hand is on the oar as well, and it is His power that causes us to move forward!
Thought for the Day:

He is the strength of our lives!

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