Managing them the way He wanted ~ Bob Coy


"Will a man rob God?" Malachi 3:8 (NKJV)

Will a man rob God? Now there's a question that seems to have an all-too-obvious answer. Of course not! He's too big, too powerful, and too mighty to be robbed by mere man. That's the sentiment God was banking on the Israelites having as He posed this question to them. Rob God? Of course not!

But the answer God gives to His own question isn't what one would expect. "Will a man rob God?" Yes, you actually have robbed me in tithes and offerings! That must have thrown Israel for a loop. Here's God Almighty, telling them that they've been guilty of stealing by withholding their tithes and offering from Him.

What a wake-up call! It was a powerful reminder that their finances really weren't theirs to begin with. They weren't owners but caretakers, entrusted with God's resources. And by not managing them the way He wanted, they were actually stealing from Him!
This is that part of the devotional that might prove to be a bit painful. For just as God asked Israel a question, we need to ask ourselves the same question. Are we robbing God by not managing His resources the way He wants?

We wouldn't normally think of ourselves as robbing from God, but neither did Israel. However, the example is right here in black and white. God expects His people to do certain things with the resources He entrusts to them. And if they aren't doing those things, then they're ripping Him off. 

What a wake up call!

If that describes you, if you've been guilty of robbing God by not giving to the Kingdom causes that He's called you to, the answer isn't to feel defeated or condemned. It's to start making those changes, little-by-little if necessary, that He wants and desires.
Discuss and share with your group about a time you had something stolen from you. How did you feel knowing you’d been robbed? What action did you take?

Dig into Malachi 3:1–15. What is the point the prophet is making regarding our giving? What promise accompanies this rebuke? How is this challenge to be generous applicable to all believers? What changes do you need to make?

Decide as a group to pray for each group member’s personal integrity. Ask God to do a purifying work in your heart and refine the motives that move you to action.
