Honorable traditions ~ Jon Courson

Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
2 Thessalonians 2:15

Newer translations correctly render the word ‘traditions’ as ‘ordinances.’ There are those who say, ‘Baptism is no longer necessary. The Lord’s Table is optional. There’s no need to pray the Lord’s Prayer. Meeting together for Bible study is helpful, but not crucial.’

Jesus was baptized in water. So was Peter. So was John. So was D.L. Moody, C.H. Spurgeon, and Billy Graham. I may not have the boldness of D. L. Moody, the fervency of C.H. Spurgeon or the anointing of Billy Graham — but I can stand exactly where they stood in the waters of baptism.

I can sit where the greatest Christians have sat throughout the ages and have the same meal they had as I partake of Communion.

I can’t preach like R.A. Torrey or Charles Finney — but I pray exactly as they did when I pray, ‘Our Father which art in heaven ...’

I don’t have the power of the early Church, but I do exactly as they did every time I meet with fellow believers to study the Word (Acts 2:42).

We have a glorious heritage, gang. And Paul would say to us, even as he said to the Thessalonians, ‘Don’t minimize the traditions. Hold on to them. Your faith will be the richer, your walk will be the surer for it.’

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