God's timing ~ Mark Balmer

Based on “Under HIS Influence - Yes, Lord” by Pastor Mark Balmer; 10/3-4/09,

Message #MB391; Daily Devotional #2 - “God's Timing”

Preparing the Soil (Introduction): God's timing. So often we wonder, what is God's timing? Many times God's timing is more dependent upon us than we think. The moment God speaks to us is God's timing. When He speaks, He expects us to respond, “Yes, Lord.” The results of our “Yes, Lord,” may take some time. However, there is always a purpose. (Acts 8:26-40) When God spoke to Philip, he had to travel quite a distance before he saw why God spoke when He did. God knew when Philip needed to leave to be at the exact spot to meet the eunuch while he was reading the exact spot in Isaiah where it talks of the suffering servant. When God spoke to Philip, well, that was God's timing. That is when he needed to respond, “Yes, Lord.” Through his obedience many came to know the Lord.

Planting and Watering the Seed (Growth): When God spoke to Abraham, and God said he had to leave his country and God would make his descendants into a great nation (Genesis 12:1-4), Abraham did not yet have any children. God spoke, and it was another 25 years before Isaac was born. Abraham obeyed right away, and he left. Yet, he did not do it in full obedience. He took his nephew Lot with him. He was supposed to leave his family behind. This caused him many problems down the road, like giving up the choicest land and having to save Lot out of Sodom. Later Lot's descendants would cause the Israelites many hardships. You see, God wants to hear, “Yes, Lord,” not “Yes, Lord, but I think...” Abraham could have saved himself and his descendants much grief by obeying fully what God had spoken to him. The story did not end there for Abraham. God used the successes and failures of Abraham to grow him into the man he needed to be, so he could be the father of the nation of Israel. That is why God waited 25 years to bring Isaac. There were many things Abraham needed to learn and experience before he was ready to say, “Yes, Lord, I trust you, and I will obey you fully and do it your way.”

Harvesting the Crop (Action/Response): In the past you may have been just like Abraham, hearing God, yet not following through the way God had directed. There is still hope. The failures are not a complete waste. They show you God's plans, along with His timing, are always right. How you respond reveals your own character and your relationship with God. The more you trust and obey God, the more He will prove Himself faithful. The more you realize He is always faithful, the easier it becomes to trust Him. It was that way with Abraham. The longer he obeyed the Lord, the more he came to trust Him. It took 25 years for Abraham to get to the point where he truly trusted God in all things. If you do not obey, you will never get to the point where you really trust Him. This shows you trust yourself more than you trust the Creator of all things. Has God spoken anything to you through Pastor Mark's sermon series “Under His Influence”? How have you responded, “Yes, Lord, or Yes, Lord, but..., or no?” The only correct answer is the first answer, “Yes, Lord.” If not then, now is the time to change your answer and start trusting Him. If your answer has been, “Yes, Lord,” get ready for the awesome things you will experience when you see Him work through you. However, in any case be ready to put your faith, trust, and hope in Him and say, “Yes, Lord,” as He continues to speak to you today, tomorrow, and the rest of your life.

Cultivating (Additional Reading): Genesis 12:11-20; Genesis 13:1-11; Genesis 22:1-18

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