Quiet time with your loving Heavenly Father ~ Mark Balmer

Based on “The Precious Promise” 
by Pastor Norm Holm; 9/9/09,
Message #NH102; Daily Devotional #5 - 

“Quiet Times of Truth”

Preparing the Soil (Introduction): What is good to long for? That is, if you are going to long for anything at all, what does your soul seek?  How about a peaceful, quiet life; a life filled with the truth of God’s Word.
“I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. (1Timothy 2:1-2)

In the world, “peace” often has a high price tag.  The world doesn’t understand or acknowledge that Jesus has paid the price of peace for all of us.  The deeper we get into the Word of God, and the more we allow the Word to teach us and guide us, the more the listening heart finds strength, peace, and courage to step out for God in uncharted waters.

Planting and Watering the Seed (Growth): Sometimes when driving on a beautiful sunny morning, I look over at the woods and wetlands I pass by with a longing to be out there in the midst of them.  It seems so quiet there away from the noise of traffic.  I love to hear the birds sing.  Their songs are sweet melodies to my soul. The truth is that the wilderness has its own song.

We see the trees standing still, worshiping their Creator.  We can hear the tall grasses swaying in the gentle breezes, creatures scurrying around, and winds whispering across the waters making ripples that glow and glisten as the sun warms the land.  There is a beautiful quiet in an untouched parcel of land that moves my soul and brings me a little window of great joy and unspeakable peace. That same quietness and peace is God’s Promise to all who are willing to follow Christ.

My spiritual life has never prospered much in a noisy atmosphere or during the multitasking times of my day. It is only when my mind has stopped racing and my environment is quiet that God’s Word seeps into my thirsty spirit.  It is then, when He has my full attention, that I step out of my busyness and into the precious quiet that is found when I am in His presence. 

How wondrously, when at those times the Word of God comes alive and leaps into my heart, changing, correcting, encouraging, bringing hope, releasing joy, and guiding me on by the power of faith.  Can we live without the Word of God blossoming in our hearts?  Live, no.  Survive, possibly for a time, but without His Word, we never really live. We were created to live on the Word of God,

“…It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4)

Harvesting the Crop (Action/Response):  More and more I realize how God’s Word needs to be nurtured in my life.  To read it and not truly partake of it is to miss the roadmap to life.  It is to never stop and see the beauty of the Lord and hear His quiet instruction, or understand the Words that bring life in all its fullness, hope when the world has none to give, joy that comes from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and peace that passes all understanding. 

So pull off the busy road each day and find that special quiet time with your loving Heavenly Father. 

Meditate on His Word and be filled with His Holy Spirit.  The Bible is all about offering us peace through forgiveness and power to live life abundantly.  It is about knowing our Heavenly Father and teaching us obedience and worship.  It is a peaceful life of faith offered to all!  It is in the quiet times of truth that we are edified and equipped to face the world each day. We are to speak truthfully and in the power of God (2 Corinthians 6:6-7).  As you pass through your world today, set your face towards the quiet times of truth.  “O LORD Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you”. (Psalm 84:12)

Cultivating (Additional Reading): 2 Timothy 3:16-17
