Leastmost: What is the least you will do? ~ Michael James Stone

  -excerpt from "Utmost with the Least Most"

What is the least you will do?

I run into people all the time that tell me,
I want to "witness' to my family but I don't know what to say.
As I am getting older, I think I am inclined to be more sympathetic, but I have to ask you.

Did you see that gal?  WOW what a babe!!
Check out that sixpack on that guy...WOO HOO.

Anyone got the latest Fantasy football standings?
Did you hear Who is on Dancing the the Stars?

The truth is we have lots to talk about, but really little to say.

I am sorry George, you have Cancer and less than six months to live.
( Does this mean I am going to miss the Superbowl?)
I am sorry to inform you Mrs. Jones, you're son died in Afghanistan.
(What about his basketball scholarship to UCLA?)

It really isn't funny, but we have our priorities screwed up.

I can ask you whats on TV tonight,  or if you TIVO it.
I can ask which APP you have on your Cell Phone and if you text.
I can even start a conversation with you by saying,
"Did you hear about...,"
And we will likely talk for hours.

But if I really want to kill a conversation all I have to do is say Jesus.

Want to see how fast you can stop a conversation and people will walk away from you?
Ask them: Do you know Jesus?
Not: Are you a Christian. Everyone says they are and I am sure even Satan himself would claim to be one.
But ask somone if they Know Jesus and watch what happens.

Better Yet, try this today with someone.
Say: Do you Know Jesus?
and if they say No, do this.

Look at the person with your imagination and think about Hell.
Picture them blind.

Think about them as if they were standing on a streetcorner and they start to step off.
Blind, they move forward into oncoming traffic.

What are you going to do?

What are you going to do?

Stop them?
Warn them?
Help them cross the street?

What are you going to do?

Maybe study to figure out how to Warn, Stop, Help them. Maybe figure out the odds of the blind man walking into oncoming traffic. Maybe take a stab at whether there really is death and not just a philosophical change of consciousness.

We could stop now and pray about anything at all.

Maybe God wants the blind man to get hit by a Car. Maybe He will part the traffic and let the blind man go thru untouched. Maybe He will heal the blindman in time so he can see the cars coming. Maybe..., Maybe.

Maybe not.

Maybe you will stand there and say nothing, do noting, just wait, watch and see.
Maybe that blindman will get hit in front of your eyes and you will realize you could have, you should have, it was possible for you, to do something. To say something. To try.

Miriam in Jerusalem I met who made aliyah to Israel and became a "caretaker" for a Orthodox woman in Israel. Over twenty years ago, she did so keeping her faith in Jesus quiet. She cared for the Old Woman daily and did all the menial chores one does for the elderly who are dying.

Miriam wanted to tell her "care" about Jesus because the woman kept brining up the subject of life, death, dying, even talked about God, Christians and mentioned Jesus a time or two. Miriam never said a word.

She wanted to, but risking expulsion in those days was a big deal for Miriam and her husband,

One day the woman collapsed and Miriam held her to her bosom as the woman was dying, Miriam watched the woman as she never closed her eyes, but the life left her. Miriam never forgot that day, or the vow she made to never back away from opportunity no matter what the cost. She can't let go of the fact she knows for certain, the woman is not in heaven, and she should have said something.

One midnight hour many many years later as I was in her home in Jerusalem after we had gone out passing out tracts about Jesus, I heard Miriam praying, and she told me the story. Miriam today is the most aggressive evangelist I ever met with a child in J4J and many many stories about the missionaries who have passed thru her doors in Jerusalem.

It took the death of One Old Lady for Miriam to come alive and not let One More Soul got to hell, Not if they passed thru Miriams Door.

It took the death of One Son, Jesus, to open the door so you could be saved.
What death will it take to get you to open your mouth and speak?

The Blind man might be your child stepping into the oncoming traffic.

What will you do?
What is the least you will do?
