Give Him all of our hurts and cares. ~ Raul Ries

Depend on God in our Hearts

“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”
1 Peter 5:7 
One of our biggest problems in receiving God’s healing is that we don’t give Him all of our hurts and cares. Peter said to “cast” ALL of our cares on the Lord. To “cast” means to throw! We need to throw all, not some, of our hurts on the Lord. And, we need to leave them there!

God wants to carry our hurts for us- we need to let Him.
Pray and allow God to use your hurt. Hurt can draw us closer to the Lord. When we experience great pain we often turn to God, seeking His help and His healing.

Thought for the Day:
In times of trial our faith grows- and in the desert experienced,
we come to know the Lord in a great way.
