Leadership: Do you have the courage to take risks? (86-1) ~ Barry Werner

Do you have the courage to take risks? (86-1)

A leader’s confidence in the Lord leads them to take risks that would have ended in failure if the Lord had not been with them. God honors actions born out of radical dependence on Him. Read 1 Samuel 13:16-14:23.
Israel’s leadership was in paralysis. The Philistine army was a well armed, far superior military force that dominated the lives of the Israelites. They had forced Israel to give up all military weapons and they would not even allow a blacksmith to exist in Israel to insure the people could not make more. In the army of Israel only the King Saul and his son Jonathan had a sword or spear. The fighting men in Israel’s army had given up and gone back to their home or were in hiding in caves to keep from engaging the Philistines in battle. Only a small force of six hundred men was with Saul and the military situation looked hopeless.
It was out of this climate that Jonathan made a decision to seek God and take an unthinkable risk to attack a group of soldiers in a Philistine outpost. Jonathan’s words to his armor bearer were “Come, let’s go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised fellows. Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.” Because of Jonathan’s courage, trust, and willingness to take a risk, even with his life, God struck the Philistine camp with panic through this warrior and his armor bearer.
Leadership, by its very nature, inspires people to move in directions they would not otherwise have been willing to take. From time to time, good leadership requires excursions into unexplored territory, and draws on a leader’s courage.
The same source of courage that empowered Jonathan is available to any leader that will accept it. When faced with a risky business or ministry decision, the godly leader will look to God in prayer and to God’s revealed Word to make the right choice.
What situation are you now facing that requires courageous leadership and risk-taking? Are you able to let God’s actions on behalf of Jonathan supply you with the courage you need to take the risk?
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