Now there was a famine in the land, and Abram went down to Egypt to dwell there, for the famine was severe in the land. -Genesis 12:10 (NKJV)

Everyone who has taken junior high science will instantly recognize Newton's Third Law of Motion: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Basically, this means that everything in the natural world has an effect on something else. This natural Law of Motion is also a Law of the E-Motions. For the Scriptures show us that our feelings don't just impact us but that they inevitably have an effect on those around us.

When Abram went down to Egypt to avoid the famine, it probably seemed like a reasonable thing to do. The only problem was that God had not called Abram to go to Egypt but to the land that he was already in (Genesis 12:1). Abram's feeling of fear led him to move outside of God' s will for his life, and God's Third Law of E-Motion was set into motion.

On this journey, Abram acquired an Egyptian servant girl named Hagar. Eventually, it would be suggested by Abram's wife that he conceive a child with Hagar. This child would become Ishmael, who would become the father of the Arab nations that would be in constant conflict with the children of Israel (Genesis 16:12). This conflict exists to this very day. God still loved Ishmael and continues to love his descendants (John 3:16), but Abram's fear has had a painful impact on millions of people for thousands of years.

How do we apply this Law of E-Motions to our lives? We may think that our feelings are personal and private. I'm sure that Abram thought the same thing when he allowed fear to have the upper hand in his heart. But the truth is that our emotions will eventually have an effect on those around us, either good or bad. The key is in how we deal with them as they come to us. When we're feeling fearful, angry, depressed, etc., we shouldn't act upon these emotions in a way that will harm others. We should submit our feelings to the Lord and set an example of sacrificial trust for others to follow.

Discuss, Dig, Decide
Discuss with your group how fear brings out the worst in decision making. How has fear affected your ability to make God-honoring decisions?
Dig into Genesis Chapter 12. How do you see fear influencing Abraham? What do you think you would have done in his situation? How can you be free of the fears in your life?
Decide with your group to bring godly confidence to that place in your life where fear is freezing your faith. Search for various Scriptures that speak about the Christian’s victory over fear, and this week commit several to memory. Equip your mind with the truth!
