When I hurt, I have learned to run to God first, instead of another person. I'm not saying this is automatic. It took me years~Joyce Meyer

Make no provision for [indulging] the flesh [put a stop to thinking about the evil cravings of your physical nature] to [gratify its] desires (lusts).
—Romans 13:14

Food addiction is easy, because food doesn't come with the same stigmas as cigarettes or drugs. Unlike these vices, food has a legitimate—even essential—role in health. Only when it slips into overuse does it become a problem. But it's so easy to get to that point! Food is reliable. Unlike spouses, friends, or great weather, it is always there. But that's the problem. Any time we feel spiritually empty, whether through sadness, depression, or boredom, it's easy to reach for food to fill that void. Soon, we mistake spiritual hunger for physical hunger, and food becomes the immediate answer to any drop in well-being. You know where this leads. The more you try to treat your spiritual longing with food or other feel-good stimuli, the greater your soul's cry for spiritual nourishment will be. The greater your disease will become.

Fortunately, there is another source of comfort that is always there when you need it. Unlike bad food or drugs, it doesn't leave you overweight, sick, or lethargic. It's even free. That something is God. He is called the "Father of sympathy" and the God of every comfort...Who consoles us in every trouble" (See 2 Corinthians 1:3-4). When I hurt, I have learned to run to God first, instead of another person or substance. I'm not saying this is automatic. It took me years to get this straight, and I still sometimes have to remind myself that what I truly need is spiritual nourishment. But learning this habit will do more to keep your mind and body sound and your life on an even keel than anything I know. Your spirit needs nourishment just like your body does. Don't wait until you have a crisis in your life to start feeding it.
