Under HIS Influence~Mark Balmer

A Backward Glance


Based on “Under HIS Influence – The Holy Spirit” by Pastor Mark Balmer; 8/15-16/09,

Message #MB385;

Daily Devotional #3 - “A Backward Glance”

Preparing the Soil (Introduction): I am not quite over the hill yet, but I have gotten to a mighty high vantage point from which to look back and see the many lofty ridges, dark, fearful valleys, sharp corners and life changing crossroads I have encountered to get where I am today.

I remember the immediate changes that took place within my heart when I gave my life to Jesus over forty years ago. The Holy Spirit took up residence in me, and I immediately experienced an assurance I had never imagined existed. A hunger for the Bible, along with a fulfilling satisfaction when I consumed it, grew within me.

I can see from where I stand today how He orchestrated impossible circumstances and amazing opportunities as I have ever been led forward in serving Christ by the constant influence of the still, quiet voice of the Holy Spirit. At first, I didn’t realize how powerful the Holy Spirit’s influence was in my new Christian life.

I imagined I had wisdom when it was called for and recalled Scripture in times of need, or was able to discern certain spiritual situations by some natural ability. That is, until I entered the dark valleys that have come along from time to time. It was there that fear and confusion blinded my way. Ungodly counselors whispered in my ears. My own flesh worked against me.

I soon realized that I was powerless to work my way through the bumps and bruises life had presented me. I didn’t possess any answers. I was empty and undone. Mired there in a muddy mess of my own making, I called out to God for counsel. Listening to the Holy Spirit’s instructions, I have stepped forward inch by inch since that point, not on my own wisdom, but in faith that the still, small voice within me was showing me the way.

While I have often failed to heed His advice, He has never failed to aid and protect me on this journey. Once, for instance, when I was let down and wounded by those I trusted, I struggled long and hard with unforgiveness. Then one day as I was yet again rehearsing to myself how those people had wronged me, the words, “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing,” (Luke 23:34) fluttered gently, like a snowflake on a parched tongue, into my inflamed soul. I was reminded in that instant that if Jesus could forgive from the cross, surely I could forgive those misguided souls who had not met my expectations.

That one thought worked its way into my wound like a healing ointment. An instant cure followed that Holy Spirit moment. The resulting joy of obeying that Holy Spirit reminder has set me free from the heavy burden of bitterness to this very day.

Planting and Watering the Seed (Growth): Just as a house is not a home until filled with the life of the people that reside within, I was not alive to life until the Holy Spirit moved in and began a remodeling project. Over the years, I have learned the sweet delights of being a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. He is everything on that iPhone list and much, much more. He is not finished with me yet. In fact, I can see a sharp corner just up ahead. While I don’t exactly know where it will lead, I know from years of experience that if I trust in His voice, I will not be led astray.

Harvesting the Crop (Action/Response): Can you look back to a time when the Holy Spirit started a reconstruction project within your heart? Whether long ago or just the other day, having His guidance and direction is a precious blessing (Proverbs 3:5-6). Have you asked Him lately for assurance, Godly reminders, Bible insights, comfort, guidance, help, or empowerment? If you are a Christ Follower, He has set up residence within you and longs to help you in all of these ways as you look to Him.

If you have never yet invited Jesus to be your Savior, what are you waiting for? Why not receive all the benefits of God’s own Spirit residing within you to guide, comfort, and assure you of a future in Heaven?

Cultivating (Additional Reading): 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
