The Southern California Harvest is only one day away!~Greg Laurie


August 13th, 2009 Posted in Harvest Crusades, Pastor's corner, encouragement, essentials, sermons| No Comments »

The Southern California Harvest is only one day away! The excitement is building for our celebration of 20 years of proclamation evangelism in Southern California.

Did you know that we have nearly 6,000 trained counselors, ushers, and other volunteers who are participating this year? That is an all-time high.

Sorry to be repetitive, but the most important thing I could tell you about this event (next to asking for your prayers) is to urge you to bring someone with you who does not know the Lord.

Pray, ask, bring

Right now, why don’t you pray, “Lord, who should I bring to the Harvest this year?” I am confident that He will bring some people to mind.

Next, pray for them by name, that God would open their hearts.

Now, go invite them personally. Or e-mail or text them. Prayerfully extend the invitation.

“But Greg, we live in another part of the country!” Fine, tell them when the event is and send them a link to the Southern California Harvest Web site. The entire event will be webcast live, and they will be archived too.

One lady wrote and told me that her husband watched the webcast and, as the invitation was being extended at the end, he got down on his knees and accepted Christ right there in front of the computer!

Listen, God’s Word does not return void, even if it’s on the Internet!

Go into all of your world

So often as believers, we are trying to “get away from nonbelievers.” We want to isolatewhen we ought to infiltrate.

The world around you is your mission field: the grumpy neighbor, that inquisitive co-worker, those unreceptive kids, that mom or dad who does not yet know Jesus.

Jesus did not say that “the whole world should go to church,” but that “the Church shouldgo to the whole world!”

I am just one beggar telling another beggar where to find food. I am not better than anyone, only better off.

God wants us to take this gospel message to all people; there are no exceptions.

They may be younger or older. God may lead you to share your faith with someone you are not comfortable with.

We need to be open to reach that category of people who God invites to believe–whosoever!

Jesus said, “Whosoever believes in Him should not perish . . . ” (John 3:16).
