Leadership: Do you have a tendency to put your confidence in human logic? (79-4)~Barry Werner

Do you have a tendency to put your confidence in human logic? (79-4)

Most leaders do not have the problem of attracting too many volunteers! Read Judges 7:1-25.

To make sure He would get the glory from the victory over the Midianites, God led Gideon in an exercise to eliminate all but 300 warriors of the army that had assembled from several tribes. Some lessons that leaders can learn from this reduction of troops:

  • A committed godly leader can attract more people than are needed for the job. When they do, there is a danger they could put confidence in the team rather than relying on God.
  • God wants and deserves the credit for the victories of every Christian leader.
  • When the battle is at hand some troops (team members) would rather not be there if given a choice (man’s choice).
  • Sometimes God selects a team of His choosing and this means eliminating some people who want to be there but should not be there (God’s choice).
  • God doesn’t choose a team the way men choose a team.
  • God is more interested in quality of the team than the quantity on the team. When a team is chosen by God, there will be victory through God’s power.
  • God will reassure the obedient leader (and team) that they are on the right course. God even allowed Gideon to hear the enemies’ fear of God’s team.
  • God’s committed team members following God’s strategy will see victory even when it does not seem possible through human wisdom.
  • When a few triumph, the masses rally.

By our very nature leaders tend to be doers; people of influence and action. Do you have a tendency to put your confidence in human logic or numbers rather than seeking God’s strategy and plan? Do you generally start a project and then cry out to God only when you hit a problem that you cannot solve with your normal leadership skills and proven leadership tactics? If you answered yes to either of these questions and want to change, write a short paragraph prayer using scriptural truths that ask God to give you wisdom and His power to put Him first in all your plans and strategies.

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