Everybody deserves to have a touch of the compassion of Jesus~Mike MacIntosh

So He began to teach them many things. When the day was now far spent, His disciples came to Him and said, "This is a deserted place, and already the hour is late. Send them away, that they may go into the surrounding country and villages and buy themselves bread; for they have nothing to eat."
Mark 6:34b-36

Everybody deserves to have a touch of the compassion of Jesus. But in these verses, you have to admit, the disciples didn't have the compassion of Jesus on their mind.

Jesus spent time with His disciples and taught them, listening to them and encouraging them. But He also knew that the crowds were hungry to listen and learn -- that they needed the Good Shepherd -- so He spent time teaching them. And as Jesus is teaching here, it's apparent that it's getting late and that people are getting hungry. But what do the disciples do? They start grumbling and complaining about all the people. Even while people are desperately reaching out for Jesus' tender touch, the disciples complain! And not only that; they are ready to physically send the people away. What a picture of love and compassion.

But how often have you and I had the same attitude? Very subtly, we allow ourselves to say, "I don't have time for it. Let somebody else do it." In essence, the disciples were saying, “Let these people tend to themselves; they are not our responsibility.” What a poor attitude to have.

Let this be a real wake-up call for all of us today. Jesus uses us to show His love and compassion to others. Our churches, our homes, and our individual lives should be a place where love is shining brightly; where forgiveness, compassion, and care are demonstrated. Wherever we are, we have a responsibility to unselfishly give of our time and efforts for the needs and concerns of others. Can you give just 5 minutes to pray with someone? Can you give maybe $5 to someone who needs some help? Can you take 10 minutes after a church service to help where there's a need, instead of rushing to your car? Don't allow the selfish, here-and-now things to keep you from the true joy and happiness of serving Him and His kids. You are loved by God and you are so needed in His kingdom.
