It’s God Who gives us the desires and the abilities to do what He wants us to do~Jon Courson

For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
Philippians 2:13
It’s God Who gives us the desires and the abilities to do what He wants us to do.

Although he was only 17 years old when he had a vision of the sun, moon, and stars bowing before him, Joseph knew it spoke of a position of authority he would assume over his brothers. And sure enough, as prime minister of Egypt, his brothers did indeed bow before him, asking help from him. (Genesis 42:6). Joseph’s dream came to pass — but not before he was thrown in a pit and tossed into prison.

Here’s where a lot of us blow it. ‘I have a vision,’ we say. ‘It’s in me to be a mother, so why aren’t I married?’ or ‘It’s in me to be a missionary, so why isn’t it happening?’ or ‘It’s in me to work with kids, so why aren’t the doors opening?’

Understand this, dear brother and precious sister, concerning another man who had to go through hard times before his vision was fulfilled: Scripture says it was not until he patiently endured that Abraham obtained the promise (Hebrews 6:15). You might land in a pit or two. You might go through a prison or three — but know this: God will fulfill that which He has placed in your heart if you patiently endure and don’t give up.

I’m slowly but surely learning that what I really want, that what I truly desire is His will. Why? Because I’ve demanded my will too many times and gotten it only to be disappointed. Other times, I’ve watched the Lord work in ways I wasn’t anticipating and seen that what came of it was wonderful.
